Chapter 10

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After finally finishing setting up my room and organizing everything, I decided to take a few things I brough down to the kitchen.

Carrying thses boxes proved to be a little more difficult.

"Fish! Come on it's time for you to eat!" I hear the scatter of paws against the floor and see a ball of fur zoom past me as I go down the set of stairs to the second floor.

"Here let me help you with that" I hear someone say as they grabbed the box that made it difficult to see.

I look to see Matthias already carrying the box down the hall to the other stairs.

"Thanks but I could have handled it." I said following him.

"And then had it when you fell down the stairs. So where are taking them?"

"We are taking them to the kitchen."

He nodded and once in the kitchen put it down at the island, "alright, I got it from here Matthias, thank you."

"No problem! The king has to save the damsel in distress!"

My face scrunches up but don't say anything as he leaves, but not before popping his head back in "also, we're going out for dinner tonight if you'd like to join us, we're all going."

"Uh thanks for the invite Matthias but I think I've intrudes enough on you guys, I'll just stay behind."

Matthias nodded and left leaving me to unpack the boxes on my own.

I am stopped when barking occurs and I see Fish reminding me about his food. "Oh, sorry Fish, I almost forgot."

Grabbing his bowl I get the dog food out and pour it in his bowl. I smiled as Fish ate his food.

"You're a good boy Fish, thank you for everything you've done. Although I'm certain you have no idea what I'm talking about." I giggle a bit. He's a dumb dog but a loyal friend and what more could someone ask for?

When everything is out away and the boys gone. I make my way up the stairs and to my room.

I open my laptop and go through some files. Aaron had sent of some music samples he got. Erin sent over some lyric ideas and her own samples.

I set up a keyboard and put it on my lap to help me find some melodies. This was going to be a long night.

After 2 hours of continuous rhyming and intense keyboard smacking, I smack my head at lack of melodic inspiration.

"Maybe I can call Erin and Aaron to come over aaaand never mind it's late. I guess i'm pulling an all nighter." I stretch my arms a bit and look over what I have written.

"This isn't much but if I can just find a good tune it'll help with the structure."

I go through ome of the many binders I brought and take out one with music staffs and grab a pen.

I play around with notes and jot them down in random orders and counts to see what will sound good.

Yes, I'm very well aware this is the least talented way to write music but desperate times come for desperate measures, i already used some of Aaron's samples and a bit of Erin's lyrics so I need to play my part.

After another hour, it was already 1:24 am. The boys had gotten back 2 hours ago and I'm the only one awake. Or so I thought.

I had gotten to my second sheet of music with each measure comprised of different tunes when I heard my door open.

I looked up from my desk and to the sweetest face in this house besides Fish, Tino. He held a small smile and in his hand a mug full of what looks like something warm.

"I noticed the light coming from under your door, and the continuous sound of a piano and figured you were awake. The only other piano player in this house is asleep." His sweet smile made me feel cozy as he got closer offering me the mug.

"I made you some hot chocolate, maybe call it a night, tomorrow is just a first practice."

I look at my desk and see the chaos it's become.

"I-I guess I over did it again huh." I rub my eyes and look over at Tino who appeared a bit worried.

"Amy, I hope you don't have a habit of working yourself to the bone. That isn't very healthy and I don't want you getting sick so often."

"I'm a hard worker Tino, but worry not I can handle it."

He nodded in understanding, "if you say so. Now, please get to bed, don't want to be sleepy on your first day."

With that Tino walked out closing the door behind him.

I close my laptop and turn off my keyboard. Grabbing the hot chocolate I go to my bed and sit. "I can handle this. I've always been a hardworker so I can handle it. I know what to do."

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