Chapter 7

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My alarm goes off and I groggily look at it to see it saying 4 in the morning. "Uggghhh!" I say rolling over on my bed.

Of course being the graceful little princess I am, did not consider I was already on the edge of my bed so according to the law of I am an idiot: edge of bed+sleepy me+sleepy rolls= my butt on the floor and my head on the nightstand.

To say that it hurt was an understatement.

But I don't have the vocabulary to describe it as anything else.

So I just get up rubbing both my ass and head from the fall and make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and other stuff because that's my business.

When I finish I grab some of my work out clothes which consisted of leggings, a sports bra, and a hoodie.

I make my way downstairs to get Fish his lunch before he wakes up then make breakfast for everyone. The least I can do since I'm gonna work them to the bone. But first I need coffee.

Once I set up my coffee maker, yes I brought it from home, I set up to make enough coffee for 6 im case they want some. As soon as the scent of coffee began to fill the house, I heard footsteps make their way down stairs. I look to the entrance of the kitchen and see pin clip boy, but surprisingly, he didn't have the clip on.

"Morning Lukas, you're up early. I haven't even woke up anyone yet." I say and get some stuff out of the fridge to make breakfast, I guess I can eggs and pancakes?

"I smelled coffee, is it ready?" He asked me. Well hello to you too I guess.

"No I just put it on, give it another minute or two." I said beginning to make the pancake batter. The footsteps get quieter and I take that he went back to bed. "It's 3:30 am, i'll give him half an hour before breakfast is ready and then get to practice"

I yawn and rub my eyes from being sleepy.

Once food was ready and I finished drinking coffee, I get a frying pan and a metal ladle and make my way up to the second floor.

Time to do one of my favorite hobbies, getting my colleagues to hate me.

I smirk and look down the hall where the doors to the bedrooms are closed and hold sleeping babies in their beds.

"Welcome to my training bootcamp boys!" I yelled loudly and heard a thump come from one of the bedrooms. I lift up the ladle and frying pan and bang them together as loudly as I can to get everyone to wake up.

Making my way up and down the hall I scream and bang the frying pan "wake up boys! Breakfast is ready! Coffee is made! And hell is about to break loose!"

The doors begin to open and I'm met with glares and confusion. Matthias holding his head, I take it he was the one that fell. Lukas glaring at me as well as Tino. Emil being sleepy and having bags under his eyes looking at me in confusion. And Berwald was unreadable.

"I cooked breakfast and made coffee, you have half an hour to eat and get ready to warm up. I'll meet you guys outside." I say with a smirk.

A/N: heeeeey been a while! Sorry but I've been busy with finals and college stuff! On the bright side marching season is over so I'll have more free time. But i'm also gettinv ready for parade season and softball season started so I'm sorry for the delays!

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