Chapter 3

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I was finally in Norway, my uncle had called me a driver to drop me off at the house I would be staying at and had organized for us to go out for dinner along with the twins.

The car came to a stop and I thanked the driver before Fish and I got out. As soon as I catch a glimpse of the house my mouth drops. Am I really staying here? This is too big for me to be staying alone even with Fish.

Walking to the front door, I feel myself getting more and more anxious. It's just now hitting that I'm back in this business and at Norway and everything comes rushing back.

I stop and take a few deep breathes, Fish barks from his little cage and that snaps me out of my thoughts, no turning back now, I will go and do my best at this job. Once at the door I go for the knob only to realize it was lock.

Of course idiot, nobody is going to be here. I look in the flower pot next to the door and low and behold a spare key is in it. How creative.

Once I unlocked the door I look around and feel relived to find it already furnished. I close the door behind me and take a good look around, it felt homey and made me feel a bit more at ease. It was nice and suddenly I was feeling ok with possibly living here alone, would be nice to have roomates or something but still nice.

I open Fish's cage and let him out. He runs out and goes out to explore. "Fish be careful!" I yell in hopes he probably hears me. I drag my bags up the stairs to the second floor. Down the hallway were doors that I could only assume were bedrooms. I walk past them and to the other end of the hall which lead to a second staircase that goes to the third floor.

At the end of the staircase were only 3 doors. Opening the first one I see a completely empty room, maybe I can turn it into a studio? What kind of studio? Maybe just a room for all my hobbies. The second door I opened was a bathroom which looked pretty big. There was a bathtub and a shower, I probably might use both, and two sinks.

I close the door and make my way to the last door. When the door opened I was greeted by a big room with a queen sized bed in the middle, the walls were creme colored with a beautiful oak dresser and next to it a vanity.

I can decorate it bit by bit, now I should probably get ready to meet up with uncle Thomas, he said to meet him at 5 and it's currently 3. Let's see how good I remember how to get around.

I put the luggage that, if I remember correctly, has my shirts. I hear little steps quickly make their way to the room and smile seeing Fish as he barks up at me. "Maybe we should get you some food?" I hear him bark happily and out the door he goes.

I get off the bed and walk down to the first floor to where I believe a kitchen might be. Maybe there might be food in the fridge?

When I get down to the first floor I hear the door open up and 5 freakishly blonde guys come in and stop when they see me.

"hvem er du?" Asks one of them.

A/N: yaaaay update! Sorry for the slow updates, I've been busy with school, college apps, colorguare competitions, all city practice, and other stuff. Hope you enjoy and go check out my other story! The picture is how the house looks like excuse the translations if they're incorrect. I do not speak any other language besides English and spanish, please correct me if you know the proper terms

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