Dear Diary

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My name is Felicia Anna Marie and since God obviously didnt think my life sucked enough, I have the honorable ability to see brooding, soul sucking spirits whom would very much like to feed on my own sickly and quite freaky soul.                                                                                         Oh, Im sorry, Im guessing that was a bit too morbid huh? Too bad, this journal contains bits and pieces of my wacked out life, and sometimes I get the feeling my life is almost as morbid as Titus Andronicus, that one shakespear play where the dudes head gets baked into a pie.... Okay on a different topic Im going to restart. Hello, Im felicia, and Im a sixteen year old not so Honorary student at Small Pines Valley Highschool nestled deep within the rolling hills of where? You guessed it Small Pines Virginia. Uhm lets see what else should you know about my rather drab life? Oh yes...I SEE CRAZY SOUL EATING DEMONS!  Is that all? Im sure thats all you need to know right now.
I never used to see these creatures. It actually started around last April, when my dad passed away. See, my dad was really sick, but he kept it from my mom and I for a long time. When my mom finally found out, she did the stupidest thing a woman could do, and divorced him. She took of to live with my Aunt Sofia here in Small Pines, while my dad and I stayed in New York city.
Well my dad passed away from the illness he had, seeing as it developed a lot over time, and I stayed with my dads mom Madilyn. But about a month after my dads funeral I started seeing these things that sorta reminded me of ghosts. They werent natural, I can tell you that. Honestly I dont know any words to describe them besides ominous. They hovered constantly around certain people.
At first I didnt realize anything was up, until one started to hang around my friend Carley. Well about three weeks after they started to tail her, Carley died of 'mysterious circumstances'. I freaked out and called my mom, demanding to live with her. I guess i thought they might just have been in the big apple, but they are here too. Over time ive grown used to them. Sometimes i dont even notice they are there, and other times i just ignore them all together.
Ive never thought to tell anyone. Well....actually thats a lie. Ive thought to tell people, but I do not wanna be the new girl whose pegged as crazy. Thats all I need. Some ingrate to go around saying something along the lines of, "That new anti-social chick with the pink hair is so insane she sees crazy spirits that wanna kill us all!" Yeah....that would make for an amazing post card to your family wouldnt it? I can just imagine the look on my moms face if she knew i saw these things. Her perfect daughter isnt so perfect anymore eh? I probably need to be put on a bunch of drugs in some place like Arkham asylum. Yes I know its fake, but if i go there at least I'd be able to say Ive seen the padded room for The Joker.
I bet you're sitting on your couch, laughing about how incredibly ridiculous I sound. Go ahead, think Im crazy. For right now I dont blame you. Nothing ever makes sense in the beginning. Like ever. I mean, if you were to read the seventh Harry potter book before all the rest, as you began reading the others it would all snap into clear focus.  Because. In. The. Beginning. Everything. Is. Unclear. But trust me as my story continues everything will become more understandable. Everything happens for a purpose. The purpose behind my life wasnt so clear to me. It was hidden under layers of filmy glass. But now? Crystal. Clear. If you dont think so, well then, please, consult your local book genius to help you figure it out. For now though, I put down the pen, and pause in my detailed regurgitated scenes of my slightly exaggerated life.

Flesh and BoneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя