Dear Diary

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That night when I finally returned home, well after dark, my mom was gone, and had left a note.
'Dear Felicia, Im out at the movies with Todd (excuse you mother who the hecks Todd?!) Aunt Sofia is at work (Noooo I thought she was at church) I should be home before you go to school tomorrow (doubt it) If not I love you have a good day:) Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo!!!!!!
I scoffed silently in disgust, shaking my head as i crumbled the note up and threw it away. Sighing I kicked my shoes off and shedded my black sweater, the thick garment peeling away from my sweaty shoulders. Left in a black camisole and my black skinny jeans, inlaid with my chemical romances patches, I sank down on the couch, practically disappearing in the fluffy cushions. My book bag was opened and I opened my spotify, turning my headphones up all the way, blocking out everything as I set to work solving equations for slope interept form. Twenty 'y' values later i was neatly sliding the lined paper back into my math binder, sighing happily. My ear buds stayed in as I made my way to the kitchen.

Standing in front of the grungy stove was Elliot, dancing gently to his own song, making something that smelled suspiciously like spaghetti.
Angry and horrified I ripped my headphones from my ear and stared at him.
"Why are you in my kitchen!?" I hissed, as if someone else where in the house. Or rather...something else. He chuckled, slow, lazy, and comfortable.
"A better question would by how I am in your kitchen, no?" He turned, red sauce smeared on his cheek, and a word briefly flitted through my mind.
No! Not cute not cute! I silently chided myself.
"Fine!" I snarked snidely. "How and  why are you in my house."
"Your front door was unlocked." Even if he had already turned back to the food, I could hear the smirk behind the words as he spoke them.
I began to grumble under my breath. "Snide arrongant selfish di-"
"Im not deaf ya know." He said in bemusement.
I shrugged. "Your still a jerk" It was his turn to shrug as he grinned at me over his shoulder.
"Alot of girls tell me that until I get them in bed the next day."
"You sexist pig!" But i get no reply he just continues on the spaghetti. I let out a groan, still shocked and horrified he was in my kitchen making spaghetti.
But it was free food. And meant I didnt have to cook. So I sat down at the table in the dining room after getting myself a glass of milk and a loaf of french bread. Yes you heard me. A full loaf. I would eat it too. Bread is my favorite food and im honestly shocked Im a lean sixteen year old. I look like Ive never eaten a thing in my life.
About ten more minutes of akward silence the food was finished. He sat down with two plates and stared at me eating the loaf of french bread.
"Lets talk shall we?"
"Sure ." I mumbled bits of bread hitting the table.
"Okay" he paused. "How do you see the mortents?"
Ahhh hell.

Flesh and Boneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن