Dear diary

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I woke up around sunrise, soft music was playing through the speakers, and Elliot was humming along gently, bobbing his head along to the thrum of bass, and looking all around peaceful. I let out a gentle moan as I stretch my tired limbs, and Elliot looks up in surprise.
"You're awake, gummy." He says with a smirk. I wince at his nickname, and raise a brow at him. Gummy? Suddenly....I realized....Elliot looks super cute with wind tousled hair.
NO! I dismiss the thought with a frown.
"Yes...I'm awake." He reaches over as I say this
and his hand caresses my cheek. I barely hold my flinch in, but he pulls away, his hand resting on the wheel once more.
"I figured we could stop for lunch here in a few, around eight-ish. You up for it?"
Lunch at eight in the morning?
"Sure I guess." He smirks, and nods. About twenty minutes later we pull into the parking lot of a local Mcdonald's  and he parks the car, jumping out, helping me out as well. Once inside the resturant, I make my way to a booth in the corner while Elliot orders food for us.
He comes back with a tray loaded with cheeseburgers, fries and apple pies. I don't even wait for him to grab what he wants before digging in.
A bit later, we finish and I stand to use the bathroom. I push open the swinging door, silently relieving myself, and walk to the sinks, lathering my hands with soap. I begin to scrub them, and something catches my gaze in the mirror.
Right behind me, stands Carley. Except her normally brown hair is grey, her skin pale and waxy, black streaks seem to float from her eyes to her jaw, and her eyes are pure red.
She seems to be reaching for me, her teeth bared in a morbid snarl, her hands ending with claws.
I spin around, eager to defend myself, but she isn't there. Noone is. I breath a gentle sigh of relief, and turn back to finish my hands.
And there stands Carley in the mirror just behind me, her hands now at her sides, her head tilted and a sinister grin marring her face. I gasp and this time I don't just turn I sprint from the bathroom, scanning the resturant quickly for Elliot. When I can't find him, I begin to panic, and search for him desperately. I race from the resturant to find him standing by his jeep. Breathing a sigh of relief, I calm myself before jogging over to him. He grins at me as I hop in the jeep, and he starts it pulling out of the parking lot. After a moment of silence he breaks it.
"You need weapons." I look at him in surprise, and raise an eyebrow.
"To protect yourself," He reaches behind his seat pointing at a duffel bag. "We will stop at a hotel for tonight, so you can shower and stuff, and we can get you weapons."
"Sounds good....when are we stopping?" I asked in curiousity. He turned into a parking lot, grinned and pointed at the La Quinta  sign.
"Right now."
We got out, payed for our room (with one bed unfortunately) and made our way there. I stepped into the bathroom upon entry, setting my bag on the floor. Almost fearfully I look to the mirror, but Shadow Carley makes no appearance. Maybe that place was just haunted? I sigh, grabbing a thing of hair dye Elliot had given me, raising a brow at the color. It was a purple, kinda like lavendar, and as it got farther down your hair it got darker. Shrugging I begin to follow the instructions, and wait until I can wash it out. After I do, I shower quickly, and step out, wrapping a towel around myself. I then plug my straightener in, and wipe the fog from the mirror. I yelp quietly, seeing shadow Carley waving at me. I blink, and then she's gone.
What did this mean? Was I, no am I going insane? Why was this happening? And....did it mean Carley may still be alive? And if she actually Carley? Or just a shadowy husk of the girl I used to know?
Sighing, I dress in a light grey shirt for the black parade, and black skinny jeans. After brushing and straightening my hair I clean up the bathroom and emerge to see dozens of steel weapons lain out on the bed. Holy flop I died and went to elysium. (anyone who understands this gets a shoutout in the next chapter.)
Quickly I scurry to the bed, my eyes trailing over each weapon, until they land on the prettiest things ever.
Two half discs, sharp on edge of the blade, intricate and explicably deadly. My hand closes around a wheel, and I slash out with it experimentally, and grin at its feel. I pick up the other one and repeat the process, my grin widening.
Behind me I hear Elliot chuckle.
"Chinese wind and fire wheels. Good choice. Now lets get started killing eachother."
Ah hell.

(Her  weapon she chooses is shown at the top. Dont be quiet readers. Vote. Comment. Follow. Add. Thanks kits.

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