Dear Diary

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The rest of the school day had passed with no incident, and even most of the way home. I had walked it, not feeling up to a thirty minute run, even if my trip would most likely double because im a slow walker.
I was just passing the bend about ten minutes into my walk, and the rushing sound of a river met my ears. I stopped, reveling in the peaceful cascading sound of rushing water, my golden eyes closed and my head tilted to catch the warmth of the suns rays, my ears filled with the amazing song of nature. I stayed there, for a long time, just silent, watching the forest in front of me, until I heard the unmistakable crunch of tires squealing to a stop on a muddy road. Then the unmistakable squealch of footsteps coming towards me.
Oh this had to be good. Slowly, my eyes popped open, and I fixed my gaze on three boys who raked me over with arrogant grins.
Oh this would be amazing. Inwardly i groaned. One thing I hate; altercations. They suck, plain and simple.
I remembered their names too.
Corbin Reiner, a jerk of a senior. Niciah Bilitz, a jerk of a senior as well, held back three times, or at least....thats what Id heard. And lastly Elliot Parker, the junior who gave jocks a bad name. All star quarterback with a cannon for an arm, he was the type of jerk that stuffed kids in lockers after making them do his homework. Yeah, a pack of jerks.
Corbins eyes were on my pink hair, and I shuddered visibly, wishing they would stop looking at me.
"Hey look." Corbin was murming. "Its bubblegum Bitch." This caused Niciah to burst out into laughter, but Elliot stayed silent regarding me cooly. Bubblegum bitch? I asked myself, my eyebrows drawing together in confusion. Wasnt that a Mariana and the Diamonds song? Corbin grinned at me. "Com'ere." He commanded quietly, his voice authoritive. Like hell I would go to him.
"Nah, Ill stay right here. I don't want learning herpes." Dont. Just dont ask. I was tired, had a ton of homework, and hungry. And my nickname was copyrighted from a band associated with diamonds. I was frustrated to say the least.
Corbin was angered at my denial and his eyes showed it. I began to wonder if he'd ever been told he had learning herpes. Was that a common disease? Was it even a disease?
Note to self:Research learning herpes.
Elliot snorted softly, earning a glare from Corbin and Nikiah.
"What the hell did you just say to me bitch?" Honestly, was there a need for name calling? I shrugged.
"I believe I observed that you my friend, have learning herpes. You may want to see a doctor, I hear it gives you cold sores on your brain." By now Corbin was positively outraged. He closed the distance between us, and before I could react a hard slap was distributed to my left cheek, causing me to let out a cry of surprise and stumble back a few feet, staring at Corbin in disbelief. Elliot tensed, his face closed off as he watched with what seemed like disinterest, and Nikiah whooped in satisfaction. A fresh wave of anger had me surging forward, my hand raised in a balled fist, but Corbin easily spun away, grabbing my hand and twisting it back until I let out a cry of agony.He let my wrist go and aimed a kick to the back of my knee and I stumbled forward, landing on one knee my other leg up. I almost looked like I was kneeling.
Kill him. I froze in shock at the cold voice, looking around for the source. Kill him so he doesnt bother you or any other girls.
Suddenly the idea seemed good. With another cry I flew from my kneeling position, turning like a graceful ninja, a fist aimed at his torso. I put all my power behind it and felt satisfaction at his cry of pain. I barrelled my shoulder into his side, and repeatedly hit his other side, pushing him back into a nearby tree.
I felt strong hands on my waist trying to pull me away, but I was determined to kill him. Ot was horrifying. Distantly, through the haze lf blood rushing through my ears, I could hear Nikiah and Elliot shouting. Then Elliots snarling voice in my ear
"Felicia stop this isnt you!" Somewhere under the anger I heard sadness. The need to kill Corbin ebbed away until all that was left was shame. Nikiah and Elliot picked Corbin up and I closed my eyes. Clenching and unclenching my fists.
What have I done?

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