Dear Diary

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Let me tell you, the first time you see one of these things you will want to cry. First of all they are pretty tall. Like ginormus. Most of the people they choose the creatures tower over them frighteningly. Second of all, they are hideous. Their faces are long, almost like theyve been stretched, and they have horrible, soulless eyes, that seem to swim with miserable angst and agony. They have long sinewy arms and legs, and their skin is pale and waxy, and reminds me of leather.
The first time I saw one, I was standing outside Micki's Icecream palor on third, shortly after my dads passing, when one just glided in my line of sight. I stared at it in shock as it stared back at me, and I could literally feel the weight of the creatures stare. I. Felt. It. I was frozen in terror, my blood felt like ice, sitting frozen and immobile in my veins. My whole body was coiled tightly, and I was ready to spring away and run like only Maries can, and bolt should it come near me. But deep down, I was vaguely aware that if this creature did attack me, I would be unquestionably paralyzed on the side walk. Finally, finally, the creature glided out of sight and I let out the breathe I had been unconciously holding in my crippling state of terror. That day was the day I vowed never to go to Micki's ever again.
Yes, it was naive. But trust me, being naive is a lot better than knowing whats out there, and what creature has it in for you at that moment.
You never know when your life could end. Simple enough? When you know your life is slowly ebbing away you take steps to prevent it. False hope. Its almost like being naive. If Carley or I had known she was gonna die I would have taken steps to prevent it. Because I have this feeling for Carley called love. Correction: I had this feeling for Carley called love. Carley was like a sister to me. She'd held my hair on my fifteenth birthday when my ex boyfriend Marcel had got my drunk. She'd punched Mackenzi Tyler right in her smug face when she'd disrespected my mother, calling her rather vile names. Because Carley was family.
We always used to tell everyone that we were sisters. I was my dads, and Carley was the mailman's. When we were younger Carley would stay at my house for weeks at a time, because her dad was abusive. We'd invite her 'camping' and say we'd be gone for a random period of time, and Carley would just crash with us.
Carleys death was.....unexpected. Her dad just says she fell and when he went to her, she was bleeding from her mouth. Im not sure I believe Carley just died randomally.
Those. Rancid. Creatures. Killed. My. Bestfriend. And I will make them pay dearly.
So if anyone knows anything about these things, come forward! Fight back! United we stand! Divided we fall! Cheesy, yes I know but its the truth. These creatures are abominations and I will kill every last one of them for making my life the hell that it is.
So if you creatures are somehow reading this diary. Im coming for you. And Im going to kill you. So please, you may have thousands of years lf experiance, and some crazy flipping supernatural powers, but Ive got anger, death, and extreme determination on my side. All that plus a pissed off Felicia Anna Marie sends grown men crying for their mommies.
So watch out, because your on my list. The very top of it.

Flesh and BoneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ