Dear notebook of thoughts(Elliots p.o.v.)

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I sat on the edge of the bed , weapons sliding down into the dip where my butt was, and I ran a single hand through my messy hair.
The word Felicia had used was still fresh in my mind, along with the uncanny, almost profound authority and confidence she had belted it out with. It made no sense to hear her speak in malachai tongue, seeing as the only other person to do so, was the greater demon Azazel when he was abolished by their kind. And for Felicia to speak their tongue instead of ours was a clear forbodding sign. Felicia would fight for the mortent when pigs learned to fly.
Faintly on the edge of my awareness I could hear her readying herself and, unfortunately, i found myself thinking of her exhibited beauty once again. It was hard to not notice every flaw, because they only added to her chaotic, and exotic beauty. The way her nose was slightly raised on its bridge, the result of a break, no doubt. The way her freckles spanned the length of her cheeks, and cutely branched out to end. Her beautiful, knowing golden eyes, that seemed to take everything and yet nothing in all at once. The subtle curve of her lips when she found something that clearly amused her. And her hair. I could talk about it all damn day. Like everything else about it, her now purple tresses spanned out everywhere in straight locks. I just wanted to run my hands through it, watch it fan out. I dont even know its actual color. I do not even care. I sigh slightly and shake my head. I'm in love with a damn Malachai. A beautiful, smart, and inquisitive one at that. I could just barely conjure up the image of her golden catlike eyes widen in surprise just before snapping closed is jubilance as I kissed her greedily, drinking in her moans of delight. Part of me was glad she had moaned and hadnt realized it, but the other part was sad she didnt. It was the part that wanted her to acknowledge her attraction for me. However, I wanted to do all I could to make her moan again and again blissfully, so I could memorize the sound. the heavenly sound. I want to take her to the edge of pleasure with my touch. And then i want to take her straight over that edge, and make her fly. 
Im completely smitten with her. Sighing once more I stand and traverse to the bathroom door and knock. Receiving and soft 'yes?' from the other side.
"Put a robe on. Im coming in."
There was a scramble before the door clicked as it unlocked and I walked in to see her hair half straightened and her makeup done.
"Felicia..." I murmured softly. I couldnt take it anymore. I strode to her, cupping her face in my hands and kissing her deeply. When she showed no resistance my tongue slide forward to gently probe her lips, which she opened slightly and it slide forward more. I dont know how, but somehow, we ended up on the bed, scattering weapons to the floor but the kiss went on. It went on until Felicias robe was pooled on the ground. It went on until my clothes were next to it. It went on until i took her to that edge. And it finally ended after I took her over it.

Hope you enjoyed my lovely kits.

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