Dear Diary

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Instantly tears formed in my eyes at the mention of Carley. Why had I told Elliot? A soul sucking, possibly evil, demon rugrat. If anything I could probably trust the tazmanian devil more than him. During the short period of time my mind had taken to mull over the relevation of Carleys death, I realized he hadnt answered my other question. Furrowing my brow I frowned slightly. But I decided to hold my question for now.
"Elliot....maybe we should go back upstairs?" As soon as I said it Elliots brow dipped and his lips tipped and his eyes clouded. What....what could that mean? Visibly tensing for a minute he finally nodded.
"Sure lead the way, Lovely." I rolled my eyes at him. Lovely? Puh-lease. As if.
Silently I padded back across the broken concrete, Elliot following behind. Back up the stairs we went, through the door in the closet.
Now, before I tell you this next part I just want you all to know. Ive got insanely good hearing. You could be five feet away, and whisper something and it would be clear as if you were next to me. But Elliot had insanely perfect hearing. The type that made me jealous.
"Felicia." His voice was low, almost guttural. "Someone or somethings in your house....." I almost fell on the closet door. Elliots face was hard....angry.
"We may have to run." Oh Joy. I would get to run barefoot! Suddenly Elliot was grabbing my hand bursting from my closet door, his grip iron on mine. Quickly he led me to the hallway, down the steps. We reached the stairway entry....and a girl stood there.
She was beautiful. Full locks of black hair cascaded down her shoulders. She was tall too, yet curvy.
Her eyes were orange. Her eyes locked on Elliot, and hatred blazed within them. was so strong....such an obvious emotion.
Elliots hurt her. But shes hurt Elliot.
Oh god! The voice was back!
Im here for good Felicia. This caused me to inwardly groan.
The girl chose that moment to greet us coldly, cutting of the snarky reply I had aimed to the voice.
"Elliot." She mumbled with a grin as she looked over me. "Since when do you chase tail hair?"
Excuse me! Haha....beautiful on the outside.....a snotty ugly bitch on the inside.....
I glared at her, and realized she was possibly a whole foot taller than me. Her glare back was daggers and should have had me quaking on my bare feet, but my world had just turned upside down.....and this chick expected me to cave from a glare.
"Since he stopped chasing tail with.....whore hair perhaps." Elliot gasped beside me and I smirked, tipping my chin up in defiance.

Excuse me?!" Her eyes widened and her perfectly manicured hand flew to her hair.
Way to strike a nerve Felicia.
Shut up.
"You heard me." I stepped forward, ignoring Elliots shaking head.
Much to my surprise, her shoulders began to shake in laughter.
"Woah Elliot! Im surprised your still with her! Usually you ditch them when they arent mindless!"
Elliots glare was......petrifying.
"Stay out of it Irene this doesnt concern you."
The girl doesnt retort and instead grins.
"Shes not going with you, so you can trash the idea Irene. We got to her first so buzz off."
Elliot speaks quietly, almost as if he were....afraid? Nah, unlikely.
"What will you do Elliot? What will you do when mortents end up dead? What will you do when she kills the abominations you call family? Wha-"
"What the flop will you do when I knock your teeth down your throat?"
Yes, I am aware I used the phrase 'what the flop' get over it. Irenes eyes widen slightly and she snarls, stepping forward to close the distance between us, our noses now touching.
"I. Dare. You." She gravels out. Before she has time to react, I'm pulling my arm back.
Fist. Meet her face.
Her face. Meet fist. The first punch sends her stumbling back, her hands flying to her already bruising cheek. The second punch knocks her into the on table by the door, and a soft groan tumbles from her ruby lips.
I stand there, Elliots' hand clutching my shoulder, breathing hard, glaring as she slowly stands.
She stares for a few moments silently before turning without a word. She stomps from us, slamming the door behind her.
I had the sense that wasnt the last time that Elliot and I would be seeing the suddenly now imfamous girl Irene, who seemed to know Mr.Godly Man Elliot.

Flesh and Boneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें