Dear Diary

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"Elliot that's floping crazy!"
He looked at me and grinned. "Please Felicia! C'mon its Los Angeles!  Its literally your dream city. And now you're sayin' you can't go? The fuck is up with that?" I winced at the sinful language and crossed my arms, glaring up at him from my bed. Yes, we were in my room. Yes, I felt awkward seeing as I was in A FLOPING TOWEL AND DRIPPING WET FROM A SHOWER! Yes you heard me. After Irene had left Elliot sent me upstairs saying I needed a shower. I'm pretty sure it was his way of telling me I smelled.
And when I was looking through my drawers of my wardrobe, Elliot burst in, babbling nonsense about Los Angeles. we are currently.
" isn't that I don't want to go....or that I can't. I just....My aunt and mom are here Elliot. What if those Malachoth"
"Malachai" He corrects swiftly.
I glare at him and continue. "What if those Malachai things come after my Aunt and my mom?"
"They won't" He says firmly. He looks down at me and a slow, lazy smirk stretches across his handsome face. He takes a step towards me, crouching down so that we are nose to nose.
"I bet I could get you to change your mind Lovely" The words, declared in a husky tone, almost guttural, send shivers up and down my spine.
"O-o-oh Y-y-yuh-yeah?" I stutter out, causing his smirk to widen. A rough palm grips my chin and jawline, and he turns my face to the right, leaning in slowly. My eyelids flutter shut, my breathing labors and goosebumbs flit over the skin of my arms.
Finally, finally, his lips are on the skin of my neck, gently moving up to just under my jaw, before gently moving to just above my collarbone. Before I can comprehend this, his lips are on mine, locked in a tight embrace, my own lips parted slightly, and Elliot uses that as an opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. My eyes fly open in shock, and Elliot smirks into the kiss, his tongue rocking to and fro with mine.
He doesnt pull away from the kiss, and neither do I, until black spots dance at the edge of my vision from lack of oxygen.
Pulling away with a gasp, Elliot huffs slightly, and licks my neck. Slowly, reluctantly, he stands, and turns to the door, breathing heavy.
"Get dressed....pack a bag with anything you might need and meet me downstairs okay?"
With that order he's gone. As soon as his footsteps fade, I let out a girly squeal, and my hand finds its way to my swollen lips. Holy flop he is a heck of a kisser.
I jump to obey his orders, settling on a pair of black skinny jeans and a Panic! At The Disco tee-shirt, and a midnight blue hoodie. I brush my hair and twist it to a braid, apply some gentle make up for a natural look and brush my teeth. Then I make my way back to my room, grabbing a pink sports duffel back from my freshman year in Nyc, used when I had participated in track and field and again for swim season. 
I put a few pairs of jeans in it, all skinny and all black, I won't even get close to all my band shirts in it, so I choose my favorite of each band, a total of twelve shirts. Next goes a hoodie and my running shoes, along with leggings and comfortable shorts. A beanie goes in, along with socks, panties, and four bras. Last but not least my ipod goes in, along with my headphones, my sketchbook, and my digital camera and shower as well as hair neccessities. After rolling all my clothing, I am able to zip the bag with little effort. I put a beanie and my combat boots on, sling the bag over my shoulder, and trudge downstairs. For some reason Elliot looks at my bag in surprise, and I panic thinking I over packed.
Until he says "That's all your bringing?"
Slowly I nod at him and he sighs in relief. "Thank god you're not one of those girls who packs their whole house."
I grin and tell him the contents of the bag and he nods when I finish. "Good that works. We just need to stop at an ATM so I can get us some money and then it's Los Angeles Baby!" He whoops and punches the air, before holding the door open for me. I step out and he shut and locks the door, leading me to his muddy jeep. The air is cool outside, the moon still high in the sky, and I realize it can't be later than midnight. After getting everything situated in the jeep, Elliot reverses out of ths driveway, and we began our trip to The City Of Angels

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