Dear diary

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I turned around to look at Elliot who was grinning quite cheekily at me. I scoffed softly and shook my head.
"Come on Felicia pwwweeaasssee" unfortunately he dragged the word out and for some odd reason I couldnt resist.
"HIYA!" Elliot screamed and leaped at me, brandishing a curved sword, that looked suspisciously like an Egyptian kopesh. My first thought was, woah thats a nice sword. My second was, flop that nice sword is about to impale me! With a shriek I launched myself over the bed, landing with a thud on the other side. Elliot made a move to follow suit, but I didnt wait for him to. Instead I leaped to the floor, diving under the bed and taking a deep breath. Just as I had readied myself to attack him, the kopesh was ran through the bed, impaling the air inches from my face. I froze and stared at it for a few moments before scrambling out from underneath the bed, stumbling as I did so, but after righting myself I turned back to Elliot, watching as he slowly began to advance, the sword raised high in the air. I clutched the wind and fire wheels tightly, and without warning launched through the air, swinging in wide arcs. One wheel knicked his left arm just slightly enough to make him cry out, and he swung at me as well.
Honestly at that point all I wanted to do was yell crucio at him. (Shoutout phrase there)
Acting instinctively, I threw my arm up. A split second before impact a word ran through my mind and I blurtes it out on an urge.
"Isolidate!" The word somehow sounded like a command, and did something to my arm, causing the sword to bounce of with a clang.
"Shit!" Elliot cried, barely managing to contain the sword once more. He stared at me in shock and suddenly it felt as if I were a bug under a microscope instead of a human being.
"Where and how did you learn the Meretsvi code?" I stared at him in confusion and he growled softly.
"The language of the malachai." My brow continued to dip, as i began to question this as well. Where did I learn to say that? And how? I shook my head slowly and shrugged.
"Your guess is as good as mine."
He frowned deeply and put the sword on the bed. "Trainings over for today, find some sheathes for those, you know how to use them, so you are keeping them. Also get some knives and sheathes for them. And put this on." He picked up a bag on the bed and handes it to me.
"Were going to a malachai party princess."
I frowned at him

Hello my lovely kits! Hope you like the update, and remember i am doing shoutouts^^

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