Cute Things You Do To Annoy Him

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Takeo: When he's cleaning his sword, you like to try and get his attention by doing whatever.  This usually meant kissing his cheek or nose, teasing him slightly, sometimes taking his hair tie.  This makes him chase after you.  When he catches you, you're pinned against a wall and Takeo kisses you as he grabs the hair tie back.

Nikolai: (I couldn't hardly think of anything! XP)  Nikolai usually sits outside and polishes his twenty-round sniper rifle.  Naturally, the sniper is in his lap, right where you want to be.  You'll be watching over his shoulder and give his neck or cheek kisses to distract him.  You'll tap a shoulder to make him look at you and steal the rag from over the other shoulder, making a break for inside.  You don't even get that far when he pulls you down to the floor and pins you under him as he grabs the rag.  Naturally, he gives you a giant bear hug and great big kisses before pulling you onto his lap and finishing polishing the rifle as he kisses your neck.

Dempsey: When he's sleeping, you like stealing his jacket and hiding it from him occasionally.  When he wakes up, both you and his jacket are missing.  He knows one of your favorite hiding spots is the closet (the other one under the bed XD) so he'll open the closet and finds you cuddled in his jacket and oblivious.  He takes the jacket back, making you squeak, before pulling you up into his arms and pinning you to the bed.  He'll punish you by tickling you until you have tears in your eyes from laughing so hard.  The best part?  He kisses you passionately at the end.

Richtofen: When he's testing is when you want to cuddle the most.  He'll chuckle quietly as he secretly watches you try to get his attention.  The attention getter is usually when you steal one of the pieces of equipment he's using.  He'll chase you around his lab until he's pinned you to the wall, looming over you.  He takes the item you stole back and kisses your nose to tease you.  Before he can walk off, you hug him tightly and kiss him.  He'll then sit on a metal table with you on his lap and cuddle.

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