Something Of His You Wear

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Takeo: you like to take the hair tie that he wears to keep his hair in a bun. He likes seeing you with your hair up because your face is more visible and perfect for kissing your cheek when the two of you are alone.

Nikolai: You enjoy to wear his hat a lot.  It's really big on you, but it keeps your head and ears warm, not to mention it smells like him.  He'll always let you wear it because he thinks you look so cute in it.  More often than not, if he wants his hat back, he has to give you a kiss.  He'll do more than just that.  Nikolai gives you a great big bear hug and kisses both cheeks before giving you a big kiss on the lips.

Dempsey: His jacket is what you enjoy to steal (as seen in cute things you do to annoy him).  You'll hide and take in his wonderful scent as you curl up in the jacket.  Dempsey will find you and pull you onto his lap.  It's a win-win for you because of wearing his jacket and being on his lap.  You cuddle into his chest as you pull his jacket closer.  Of course, he needs his jacket back when the undead arrive, but you will not yield so easily.  To get his jacket back, he kisses all over your face and ends with the tip of your nose as he gets his jacket back.  Of course, you make sure you get a passionate kiss on the lips before the two of you go fight.

Richtofen: you love to wear his vest and fiddle with the blood vials sometimes.  Richtofen enjoys seeing you in his vest since it's so cute to him.  On these days, he's usually testing and you feel lonely, so he lets you wear the vest until he was done.  You don't want to let it go at this point, so he'll put you in his lap for some cuddle time, kissing your forehead softly.  You give him back his vest after kissing his lips since you were now cuddling with him happily.

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