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Eliana's POV

I held out my thumb and continued to walk. I know this isn't the safest way to get home but I have no other way. A car pulled over and asked where I was going.
"Sorry, too far from me" he sighed. "You can come with me though"
"Uh no thanks" I mumbled. I started walking away but I heard his door slam shut.
"What's the problem pretty lady?" He called after me. I picked up my pace until I was in a full out sprint. I could hear his footsteps behind me so I had to keep going. I came up on a gas station, good enough. I ran inside and the man stopped. He shook his head and headed back to his car.
"You ok, miss?" The cashier asked.
"Yes sir, do you have a bathroom?" I questioned.
"Through there" he pointed. I nodded and headed back. I locked the door and burst into tears. I'm such an idiot. I did deserve to be beat, now I see what my father saw. A complete failure. I fixed myself up in the mirror and headed back out. It was only 2 am so I found a bench to sleep on outside. I'll try again in the morning.

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