Court shockers

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Eliana's POV

I dressed nicely for the court appearance this morning. This would determine the jail time of my parents and who I'd go to live with. We don't have any other family so it will most likely be a stranger. I've heard really bad stories about what happens in foster care and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Mary and I walked into the courthouse and my eyes automatically flicked over to a group of four guys who stood awkwardly in suits. They turned around and I noticed Michael's face light up. I ran over and he engulfed me in a hug.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"You really think we would miss this?" He chuckled. "Can you sit with us?" I looked over to Mary who nodded with a slight smile playing on her lips. I scooted in between Luke and Michael, with my head resting on his shoulder. I could see my reflection in a window and I shuttered, nuzzling into his neck.
"What's wrong?" Luke questioned.
"I just look horrible" I mumbled.
"No, you look fine" Calum told me.
"He's right, don't hide" ash said awkwardly. I sighed and nodded, trying to sit up confidently. The guards brought in my parents and the case was underway. My father took the stand first then my mother, who cried for forgiveness. I could see my father looking on with disgust written on his stone cold face. The jury deliberated for a bit and came back.
"Your verdict?" The judge asked. One of the jurors stood and read a paper.
"We find both of them guilty" he said. I felt a rush of mixed emotions, happy and sad... But mostly happy. My father was sentenced to 15 years and my mother was sentenced to 5. The judge looked to me next.
"Please come forward dear" she smiled kindly. I nervously stood up and Michael kissed my hand. "Your birthday is a week from today?"
"Yes ma'am" I managed to croak out.
"In light of what has happened to you, the court will be lenient," she said.
"Does that mean I can just leave?" I asked.
"No but you can pick who you want to live with, as long as they're 21 or older" she answered. I looked around with panic. I don't know anyone 21 or older that I'm close with. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I whipped around. Ashton stood there awkwardly.
"Your honor, I turned 21 a few weeks ago and I would like to take custody" he said. My jaw dropped to the floor.
"Would you like to go with this young man?" She asked me.
"Uh um yes" I stuttered.
"That's settled then," she smacked her gavel down and got up to leave. Mary came over to me and smiled.
"I'll get his paperwork started." She laughed. I nodded and went over to my guys.
"Ashton..." I said quietly. "Thank you so much"
"It was nothin" he shrugged.
"But I thought you didn't like me?" I asked.
"It's not that I didn't like you, I was just worried of the risk, but now I'm basically your father so I can keep an eye on you" he winked. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him in a bone crushing hug.
"Hey hey hey, I'm the boyfriend here" Michael gasped. I jumped into his arms and kissed him.
"That's my daughter you're sucking face with," ash growled. "You two behave, I don't need to be a grandpa any time soon"
"Yes dad" I laughed. Michael entwined our fingers and smiled.
"I believe we have a gig to get to" he exclaimed. "And I get to introduce everyone to my girl"
"I can't wait" I beamed. I really can't wait.

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