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Michael's POV

I tuned my guitar perfectly and warmed up my voice.
"On in two" a voice yelled.
"Lets rock this mates" ash smiled.
"Hey ash, can I talk to you?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly. "Do you think you could lay off of Ana a bit? I know you don't like her but just be nice"
"She's not worth the risk bro" he snapped. "You'd get in so much trouble if you get caught. You should've just let her go home when she wanted to"
"Whatever man" I growled. We went on stage and all of my stress was lifted. We played fantastically, best yet. Ash even seemed to be having a good time. We said goodnight to our adoring fans and went backstage.
"I'm gonna go back to the bus" I smiled. I trotted outside and back to our bus, not wanting to wait any longer to see my girl. I can't wait to hold her in my arms and tell her I love her, because I do. "Honey, I'm home" I chuckled. I expected her to come leaping into my arms but I didn't even get a response. "Ana?" I called out once more. "Eliana? Are you here?" I went back to our bunk and ripped the curtain open. She wasn't there, but in her place was a note. I wiped the tears from my eyes and picked it up.
"Dear Michael...."

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