Nosy neighbor

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Michael's POV

The lady ushered me into her living room and grabbed us some tea.
"You're looking for the bailey girl?" She asked finally coming back.
"Yes ma'am. Have you seen her?" I questioned. She looked out the window like she was searching for an answer.
"I heard screams.... From the basement... I saw them bring her home so I know she's there..." She told me.
"Calm down boy, they won't kill her." She sighed. "I don't have solid proof it's her though, she looked different"
"Green hair" I mumbled.
"Yes, green hair. What are you going to do son?" She questioned.
"I have to go to the cops. I don't have any other choice." I hung my head.
"If you get sufficient proof that she's there and they hurt her, ill testify against them. Eliana was such a sweet child growing up, then her daddy started drinking and things turned quickly. She seemed sad and distant, never rode her bike down the street anymore. It was so sad, she's never out. I hope you find her" she replied. My stomach answered for me in a loud rumble. "Would you like breakfast?"
"No thank you" I smiled.
"Oh I insist. You can't go saving the world on an empty stomach" she laughed. "You wait right here"
"Thank you" I replied. She danced around the kitchen making a huge feast fit for a king. After I ate, I excused myself. She wished me luck and told me where the sheriffs station is so I could make my report. I thanked her once more and walked down the little stone path leading to the street. I turned to my right and saw someone saunter from the Bailey house. Anger boiled inside me and I saw red.

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