Chapter 4

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AN: Yay!!! Chapter 4 is done! sorry my lovelies it took so long! With the Hurricane Florence fiasco going on, I have been so busy with work! I just want to say my heart goes out to those that have been hit by the hurricane. I seriously can't begin to say how sorry I am for what has happened and hope for the absolute best. I was very fortunate to only get rain and not get flooded, though there were some parts in my town that did in fact get flooded, my heart really goes out to the flooding and hurricane victims. Anyway, Chapter four took as long as it did to write not because of the hurricane's after affects but because of the simple fact I worked almost everyday before the hurricane hit. I work in a grocery store so you probably can imagine that chaos in itself.  we had to put a number limit on how many cases of water each customer could buy because of such a high demand on water and not enough to satisfy the demand and don't get me started on the milk, bread and eggs that stuff was GONE off the shelves.  But anyway here is chapter 4! enjoy my lovelies!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon I only own my Ocs

Ren's POV

I let out a sigh as we were walking things had gotten slightly better. Rai avoided Ryuu for the time being, Rose still rode on my back complaining the whole time that she could walk. She was so much like mom it wasn't even funny. Sayuri stood close to Ryuu not once leaving his side. She constantly glanced up at him worriedly and though he reassured her that he was ok, the scowl never left his face after his disagreement with Rai. Sarina stayed close to Sam.

"You know, I can't understand why Kairi likes that jerk" Rose muttered I chuckled.

"Now now Rose be nice." Rose scowled her nose scrunching up in detest.

"You know I have a point" She muttered I let out a sigh, of course, she was right, we were twins and thought alike. She was just more outspoken out of the both of us.

"You do. But like you, I don't understand either but, it's not our business either. All we can do is support her and her decisions" I said she let out a frustrated sigh.

"She would have been so much better off with the friend of Sayuri, Serena and Calem's son?" she muttered.

"Still not our decision to make besides the two hadn't even met so how could you come up with that?" I asked. I felt her shrug and then go quiet then I heard soft snores and rolled my eyes at how quickly she fell asleep. I glanced up at the sky and sighed none of us had realized how long we had been walking and it was getting considerably dark.

"Ryuu we should stop and set up camp," I said bringing the brooding boy out of his thoughts he looked up at the sky and scowled. He nodded his agreement and then walked off Sayuri trailing behind him. Sam and Rai began setting up the tents. I set Rose down and Sarina stayed with her while I walked off to find water for us.

"Sam I'm filling up our canteens make sure a fight doesn't break out," I said before walking off. I already knew Sam wouldn't be able to handle it but, thankfully Rose was a light sleeper and if someone woke her, Arceus help them. By the time I came back the campfire was lit, the tents were set up and the girls were making dinner Ryuu sat under a nearby tree and was looking at a map while talking to Sam. Rai wasn't in sight and when Rose noticed my confusion she pointed to one of the tents and went back to helping Sayuri and Sarina cook. We suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes and froze all of us had our hands ready to throw a Pokeball. Then two heads appeared one was a boy with messy black hair with a red hat that had a black line with half of what looked to be a Pokeball in a sky blue on top of his head. He had a white T-shirt and a black white collared vest with a yellow stripe across his chest, jeans, and black and red shoes. He was tanned faced with warm brown eyes and had little markings that looked like Zs on his cheeks. The other guy was a tan-skinned male with slanted eyes. His hair was a light brown and spiky. He had a green collared T-shirt and a black vest with an orange stripe across his chest, grey cargo pants, and blue sneakers.

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