Chapter 8 Bonus chapter

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AN: Aaaaand I'm back with this bonus chapter!!! It is a bit early to post it, however with the holidays coming up, I'm gonna be super busy so decided to post it early so it would be done in time. Anyway Happy Early Thanksgiving, have a fun and safe one guys!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of the pictures in this book, I do own the OCs though.

Ryuu: 9

Kairi: 6

Mira: 3


Ren: 11

A woman with long blue hair and bright blue eyes wearing a white, off the shoulder sweater, dark navy blue jeans and beige colored boots stood behind a small child with short purple hair a dark navy blue dress with white fringe at the hem of the dress and dark brown boots that came up to just below her knees. In her purple hair was a white headband that had a large dark blue flower to decorate the headband. The blue haired woman had a small smile on her face as she guided the small child with her hands. The woman momentarily turned her gaze to another little girl a bit older than the one she was helping, that had Long blue hair and dark onyx eyes. The girl had on a light petal pink long sleeved shirt on with black leggings and beige colored boots. The girl's sleeves were rolled up and she had a look of concentration as a boy much older than the two girls helped show the small blunette how to do their task. The boy had short neat purple hair and dark blue almost black eyes that held patience and warm in them as he spoke to the small girl. The boy had on a white dress shirt with a blue cashmere sweater, jeans, and black shoes. His sleeves were also rolled up as not to get dirty while he demonstrated to the small blunette and explained things and then would allow her to take over only stepping in to guide her if she wasn't quite doing something right. A man with shoulder length purple hair in a low ponytail walked in. The man had on a white dress shirt and teal colored sweater with dark green cargo pants, and black shoes.

"Daddy!" the little blunette yelled happily and set down the kitchen tools she was using and rushed over to the stern looking man. The young woman walked over to the man and placed a small kiss on his tan cheek

"Welcome home Paul, I wasn't expecting you home so soon" The woman said softly. The man picked up the blue haired child and glanced to the woman smirking

"Cynthia tried to hurry things up, she didn't want to keep me from the family" Paul said and glanced down when he felt something crash into his legs and smirked when he saw the tiny purple haired girl clinging to his legs happily giggling

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" squealed the little girl. Paul's smirk widened and he placed his free hand on top of the child's head in affection

"Hello Mira" He said in his deep voice that held warmth toward the giggling child.

"Welcome home dad!" The young lavender haired boy said happily. Paul reached out and pat the boy on his head affectionately.

"Thank you Ryuu, have you all been helping your mother?" Paul asked

"Yes, they have with little things. I have Ryuu helping Kairi but food should be ready before Maylene and Reggie bring the kids over." The woman spoke softly. Paul set down the blue haired girl down and went over to grab an apron before walking to the sink to wash his hands.

"Oh Paul, you really don't have to...the kids and I are doing ok"

"Troublesome woman go sit down and relax you've been cooking since I left this morning" Paul said. The woman pouted but gratitude danced in her blue eyes.

"Thank you Paul," The woman said wrapping her arms around him. He smirked and ushered her out of the kitchen.

"Yay! We get to cook with daddy!" the little blue haired girl squealed. Paul smirked

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