The Plan Part Two

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Hello everyone! Heh, sorry it's been forever since I've updated. I've been working on my book and dealing with life. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and please enjoy the chapter. 


A few minutes later everyone was gathered around the table in a board room.

"I were supposed to head to the office but this is important," Ezra said standing up.

"What's going on?" Jason asked.

"There is a planetary threat coming," Ezra said deciding to get it over with. "An I'm not sure if we have the fire power and ability to defeat it."

"Seriously," Justin stated. "We've dealt with threats before, how will this time be any different?"

"Because, this threat is the Empire. They come in and take over before you even have a chance to blink. Even now there's no telling how many inquisitors and troopers have invaded," Ezra argued.

"That may be true but we can handle it," Gohan offered. "In fact this reminds me of the Tree of Might."

"I remember that, it started as a tiny seed and then it started getting bigger and bigger as it drained the planet," Reany butted in. "Not to mention someone turned into a big..."

"Okay thank you," Gohan silenced her, earning giggles from Videl and Riley.

"Oh relax Son, you were only seven at the time. No one is going to laugh," Goku chuckled.

Gohan rolled his eyes.

"It's still embarrassing," he muttered. 

Ezra coughed trying to hide his laughter.

"Anyway, I need to know now if you guys are in or out?"

"Kicking alien butt is what we live for," Mark smirked cracking his knuckles.

He received a chorus of agreements.

"Alright then, let's get to work."

Kanan grinned feeling pride spread through him at how far his son had come. He looked up to see Goku staring at him from the corner of his eye. Nodding his head the two walked out. Once they were far enough away they stopped.

"What's going on?" The man asked raising an eye brow.

"It's complicated," Kanan sighed leaning against the wall.

"Really? From you're earlier reaction, I would say you were ready to run and hide," Goku said his face turning serious.

Kanan rolled his eyes and muttered something about saiyans and their hearing.

"Look Man, I know you're scared. Heck every time the twins go into a battle whether as scouts or as agents, I worry, but I can't lock them up. Besides, Reany can melt locks with one touch and Gohan is great with mind control..."

"Goku, you're rambling."

"All I'm saying is your son is planning a strategy, maybe you should too."

"So you're saying I should fight to run away?" Kanan asked chuckling.

"No," Goku groaned. "I'm saying you should go in there and help them be ready to fight."

"Is that all you ever think about?"

"No, I think about fighting, food, and my family."

"In that order?"

"Shut up!"

Kanan laughed dodging an arm sweep.

"Thanks," he grinned once his laughter had subsided.

"Anytime," Goku said giving his shoulder a squeeze. "Trust me, we'll figure this out. I'm not about to let this 'Empire' take over.  Besides we have a few tricks up our sleeves. 

Kanan rolled his eyes before running a hand through his now short hair.

"I know, but I"m  still worried." 

"So am I but we'll take it one day at a time. That's all we can do."

"You're right," Kanan sighed before looking up. "Go help the kids, I'll be there in a minute." 

Kanan POV 

The man nodded realizing where I was going.

"Take your time, we'll fill you in."

With that he returned to the board room. Making my way to the med center, I stopped at the door to gaze at the rest of my family.  Hera and Sabine's eyes and ears were covered to help with the light and sound sensitivity and Zeb's head was wrapped up tight. Walking over to Hera, I smiled lightly. 

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you," I whispered. " I'm sorry that we had to do all of this but I promise that you guys are going to be okay." 

Taking the pilot's hand, I kissed it gently. 

"I don't blame you for what they made you do." 

The woman stirred slightly. Deciding that it might help, I continued to talk. 

 "Remember how much we loved Ezra to the point we were going to adopt him? Turns out he is my biological son from a previous relationship. I had repressed all memories of him by drinking. You can imagine the shock I was in.  I was worried he would be so angry that he wouldn't want anything to do with me. Don't get me wrong, he was angry, but he accepted it. Turns out he always had this hole even as a young child that he couldn't explain and it was because he was missing me. You would be so proud of him. Fourth in his class, variety of activities, a steady job, a girlfriend, great friends, and other extra activities. I'm telling you he's something else. As for me, I haven't been up to much. I work as a detective for the L.A.P.D; I get to use my force abilities for good. That's another thing, without the threat of anyone hunting us down, Ezra and I have really flourished in the force. I finished mine and his training and even trained several of his friends."

I paused for a moment to see her reaction but it remained the same. Gently placing her hand back at her side, I leaned in closer so I could whisper in her ear.

"We have a real good life here and I'm not going to let the Empire take it away. This our home and they will regret threatening it." 

With that I walked out of room not noticing the single tear running down Hera's face. 

I do hope you enjoyed and please let me know what you thought. Have an awesome day!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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