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All of a sudden Bri opens the balcony door and says Red come on lets go the cops here you know I got that weed on me and the party is shut down grabbing her hand and forcing Red to walk behind her. Man Bri just had to ruin it for me Red thinks to herself😒. Everyone was walking fast to their cars as they were leaving the party. You would have thought we were at a crack house by the way everyone rushed out that house Red said while laughing with Bri. I know right Bri says following with a who was that girl you were out on the balcony talking to?. Well I didn't get to have a real convo with her with the party getting shut down and all but trust I am going to get her Red said while smirking.

A week had went by and everything seem to be going good so far for Red. She had applied for this scholarship and she ended up getting it which was a big deal because it would help out a lot with her titution. Red was on cloud 9 as she thought of all the things she had gone through in her life and this was by far one of the days she would cherish. Bri opens Reds room door while dancing her way in "what's up Phat!" Bri says continuing to bounce her shoulders. "Dang you ever heard of knocking before you enter ugly self" Red rudely said. Bri ignores her and flops on her bed. She clears her throat and says "anyway I just came to congratulate you on your scholarship girl". "Thank you girl I'm so happy I needed the extra money since financial aid couldn't pay for everything" Red says. "You know we have to turn up right?" Bri said with a smile. "Omg what are you trying to do you always got something in mind" Red replies looking at Bri with a side eye. Bri laughs and says "don't worry you will like it so be ready for this weekend".

The weekend was finally here and Bri was ready to turn up she had been texting red about how she's ready to get her buzz on and have fun. Red had gone to the mall to get some more clothes. Not only did she receive the scholarship she also received a check for a thousand dollars so you know she was going to ball out. Red knew how to budget her money so she only went to stores that had sales. Once she was done shopping she loaded her stuff into her car and stopped by the grocery store to get some food and fill her fridge up. Red made it back to her room put her clothes up and filled the fridge. Not even 10 minutes later she hears a commotion from her suite mates room she walks through the bathroom they all shared together and opened their door. Her suite mates were fighting each other. "Y'all stop!" Red yells as she puts her arms between them spreading them apart. "No fuck that bitch" one of her suite mates says. "Girl ain't nobody tripping over you dumb ass" the other followed with. "What is the problem?" Red asks. "Well I thought she was my friend but she's been talking about me behind my back but she is to cat to say it in my face" the suite mate says while rolling her eyes. "Man fuck this I'm leaving" the other says as she grabs her bag and leaves. "Y'all have to get it together I don't want no drama next to me" Red said before slamming the bathroom door in the suite mates face.

Red shuts her bathroom door behind her. I'm so glad I was able to get a room to myself Red says. She walks over to her closet to pick out an outfit for the night. Once she had what she would wear she called Bri to see what time she would need to be ready. After they got off the phone Red turned some music on to get in the going out mood and hopped in the shower. She bobbed her head and sung the songs that played on her playlist. She stepped out the shower and dried off wrapping the towel around her body. Red grabbed her makeup and sat at her desk adjusting her mirror before doing her make up. She finished and put on her setting spray and styled her hair. "Girl you fine" Red said to herself while smiling in the mirror. She ironed her clothes and then started to put them on. She checked her self out in her long door mirror grabbed her mini back pack purse locked her door and headed to Bri's room.

Red knocks on Bri's door. Bri opens her door "what's up biiiiiiihhhhhhhhh!" Bri says. "Girl you're a mess" Red said laughing. "Just give me a minute or two and I'm going to be ready" Bri said. After Bri was finally ready they walked out to the car. Bri stopped for gas has she walked back out the store this cute tall handsome guy approached her. They interacted and Bri walks back to the car pumps the gas and gets in. "I see you girl" Red says while smirking. "I know girl he was fine wasn't he you already know I got the number I can't wait to take a ride on him" Bri said. "Omg your are so nasty I can't stand you" Red said laughing. They drive off and pull up to a hookah lounge. Red smiles and says "you remembered?". Bri replies with "how could I forget you stay bringing up how you want to try hookah so here we are". "Thank you Bri Bri!!" Red said.

The girls showed their ID's at the door found a table and sat down. They listened to music had a couple drinks did some hookah and  partied the night away. The next day Red woke up with a big headache. "Man I'm defiantly sleeping my day away" Red says to herself and goes back to sleep. She wakes up brushes her teeth washes her face and takes a shower. For the rest of the day she relaxed, ate, and slept. Sunday she spend the day doing homework for all of her classes.

( How are you guys feeling about Bri and Red are y'all feeling them?)

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