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Uggghhhhh!! Red lets out as she got up. I really hate mondays she says to herself. She hops off her bed and start to do her morning routine. After she's dressed and ready she heads to class. Red sits in the corner in the back you can say she made it clear it was her desk. Class starts and the professor starts on the lecture for today's class. Red writes down notes just in case he decided to quiz them on the subject. Red glances across the room and stares at the blue haired girl. She was the same skin tone as Kelly Rowland with high cheek bones, great smile, nice shaped body, and just the right sized lips she was beautiful. I guess Kandie felt someone looking at her and she looks over and sees Red she smiles and turns back around. "Dang she caught me" Red said to herself. After class Red packed her stuff up and headed to the rest of her classes. There was an pep rally that day and since Bri had to work Red went alone. She walked through the gym and sat at the top by herself she opened her phone and scrolled through it. Out of nowhere Kandie comes walking up the bleachers Red didn't think much of it as she thought Kandie was walking to some other girls that sat across from her from a far but Kandie doesn't she walks up to Red and says "is this spot taken?". Red speechless finally gets the words out replying with a "no you're good you can sit down".

"So what's going on with you?" Kandie says. "Nothing just trying to see how the rally is going to go" Red said. "Well I can let you know now it's going to be boring" Kandie says while laughing. "You want to go walk around campus" Kandie said looking at Red. "I'm good with that" Red said and they head down the bleachers and out the gym. Red thought to herself I think she might like me she keeps trying to get us alone🤔. "How's everything going for you so far" Kandie says as they continue walking. "It's going pretty good I received a scholarship not to long ago so that made it even better" Red says. "That's what's up" Kandie said. "Since we have class together if you want we can study together from time to time if your cool with that" Kandie says. "I'm cool with it I think it'll help out a lot" Red said with a smile. They continue to chat with each other the vibe was so good between them they talked for four hours straight. "Dang I can't believe we talked for this long" Red said. "I know I've never talked this long with anyone it's crazy the connection I'm having with you is weird but in a good way" Kandie says. "For real though I feel like I can talk to you about anything You're such a cool person" Red says. Kandie smiles and says "well I have work I have to do so I'll catch you later". "Cool me to" Red said after giving Kandie a hug. Oh yeah she's going to be mine Red says to herself as she watched Kandie walk away.

Two months had past by Red and Kandie had grown close to one another. The girls got along so well the connection that they had was indescribable. Red loved being around Kandie and doing things with her. "Red wait up!" Kandie yells as she catches up with her. "Hey wanna study for this test we have tomorrow?" Kandie asks. "Yes I was gone ask you the same thing" Red says. "Great I have one more class then I'll head to your room" Kandie said before walking away. Red gets to her room and starts to clean up. Once everything was good she turned on her wax warmer, some music, flopped on her bed and waited for Kandie as she watched tv. Some time had went by and just when Red was about to fall asleep there was an knock at her door. She checked her self in the mirror before opening the door.

Hey Kandie says as she walks into the room. "It smells good in here" Kandie said. "Thanks I have a lot of scented waxes I love using my wax warmer" Red says. Kandie walks over to Reds bed and sits on it pulling her book out of her book bag (Red had two beds in her room that she ended up pushing together creating one big bed). Red goes over to her desk and gets her book before sitting on her bed also. The girls go over the chapters that the test will be on and also do their homework for their class. The girls studied for a good amount of time. Red sneakily looking at Kandie here and there. Kandie so focused on studying never even noticed the stares. "Man I think I am good I feel I'm going to get an A on this test" Red said. "Yes I think I'm good too" Kandie says. "You want to watch some movies" Red asks. "Yes I'm cool with that". Red had this app where you could watch new movies that came out she streamed it from her tablet to her tv and they picked a movie to watch. The girls watched movies ate popcorn and enjoyed each other's company. It had gotten late and since Kandie lived on the other side of campus she asked if she could stay over.

Red smiling from the inside said "yeah you can stay it is late". "Great" Kandie says removing the books fully off the bed onto the desk. She ask Red if she had a shirt or something she could sleep in. Red looked in her closet got the biggest shirt she could find and gave it to Kandie. "Thanks" Kandie says while removing her clothes. Red couldn't believe that she was actually undressing in front of her 😳. Down to her panties and bra Kandie slips on the big shirt. Red quickly turns around and finds her something to wear putting on a tank and shorts. Red turns off her light and makes sure her warmer is off. They climb into bed and pick another movie to watch. After awhile Kandie was starting to fall asleep. Red still up just finished watching the movie. Once the movie was over she looked over at Kandie "the temptation" Red said to herself biting her lip. She shook her head and turned her tv off getting comfortable. She faces the opposite way from Kandie and starts to fall asleep.

As the night went on Red is woken up by Kandie putting her arms around her. "What is she doing" Red thought to herself. Although it was shocking it felt so good and Red just went along with it placing her hand on top of kandie's. They slept the night away when Red woke up Kandie was gone. Red shrugged her shoulders and got ready for class after she finished everything she headed to class. Red sat in her usual seat. Kandie had changed her seat over time and sat next to Red. "You ready for this test" Kandie said to Red smiling. "Yeah I know I'm going to pass" Red replied. Class went on they took their test and by coincidence they both finished at the same time. Red turned her test in and then Kandie before heading out the door. Red went on to her other class and didn't have to go to the other since the teacher wouldn't be in for the day. She went to go grab a bite to eat at the local sonic and got Kandie a Cherry slush since she knew she liked them. Red got settled in her room put kandie's slush in her freezer and chilled while eating her food. Once she figured Kandie was done with her classes she called her up and told her about her slush and seen if she wanted to come back over. Kandie accepted and Red waited for her arrival.

Instead of knocking Kandie just walked on in going straight to her slush. "Oooo yes it isn't frozen" Kandie said before drinking it. "Dang hi to you to" Red said laughing. Kandie laughs and says "sorry you know I like me a cherry slush". "You're good" Red says. "How were your classes today?" Red asks Kandie. "They were good long but good" Kandie said. "That's good" Red said. Kandie walks over to the container where Red keeps her snacks got a bag of chips and a rice crispy. She looks over at Red on her phone and says "who you texting?". Red laughs and says "no one I'm playing this racing game" and shows Kandie. "Oh okay" Kandie said. Red didn't think nothing of it and asked if she wanted to watch some movies again. Kandie gets on Reds bed and says "yes I do". "Good the new movie you been wanting to watch is on the app" Red says. "For real yes put it on there" Kandie says with a smile. They watched the movie and ate snacks. After the movie was over they played a couple of card games and watched another move. Of course once that movie was over it was late again and Kandie asked to stay the night. Red agreed to it but this time Kandie was prepared she had brought an over night bag which Red thought was just some books inside. Kandie went and turned Reds shower on took her clothes out her bag and got in. After Kandie showered so did Red. The girls both laid down and watched another movie. As the movie was playing Kandie moved closer to Red laying her head on her should. Red thought to herself she better move before something happens.

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