Fuck You All II (J-Dog x Deuce)

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-This is for @imedgyandgay because they were crying and I want them to feel better-

-2010, right after part one-

"Aron!" Jorel yelled, chasing after his boyfriend. He'd left the guys, saying he needed time alone. They let him go, knowing how hard it must've been to do that.

"Fuck you!" Aron spat, turning to face Jorel, "You don't love me, you kicked me out of the band that I made!"

The Russian shoved Jay back, causing him to stumble. The moment that he was stumbling backward gave Aron just enough time to run off.

-Time skip, it's now 2018-

Jorel sighed, sitting at a desk at the studio. He was he only one there, Hell, nobody else even knew he was there.

He was stressed. There was a mixed reaction to their new songs from V, but there was one thing that fucked with him.

The guys of HU, including Jorel, never payed much attention to haters, especially not online. Johnny always talked them down, making the guys all feel similarly. They all looked up to Johnny, and not just because he's a giant.

The thing that fucked him up was a comment on one of Danny's recent posts on some social media site. It said, "Deuce was better. Fuck u American Idle reject. Faggot."

Yes, the spelling was atrocious. Yes, the person who commented that was probably like 12. But, it hit him. His former lover was still a sensitive topic, especially since nobody knew that they'd been dating. Truly, they'd never actually broken up.

Then, a buzz came from his phone. He checked it, not really caring, but froze. It was a DM on Instagram. From the user deuceinvincible.

He quickly opened it, hands shaking in anticipation. He was anxious, he still loved Aron.

It was four words, but they fucked with Jay's heart.

deuceinvincible: happy ten year anniversary

That was it. But Jay smiled warmly, texting back swiftly to ask if they were okay now. Aron responded almost immediately.

deuceinvincible: yee. sorry for evrything J. i still love you but i hate you at the same time.

He smiled again, typing a quick message.

jdog_hlm: I feel the same way. Happy anniversary, though. I hope we can still be cool now. I love you.

He sent it, anxiously waiting for a response. He waited for a while, and was about to get back to writing when he received another message from him.

deuceinvincible: i love you too babe

With that, Jay went back to working with a huge smile on his face.

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