Tired Puppy (Johnny Three Tears x J-Dog)

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I opened the door to my house, which I shared with Jorel Decker, my boyfriend. I heard loud, obnoxious snoring, and I knew it wasn't Jorel, he never snores. So, I cautiously walked into the living room, where the snoring came from, looking for an intruder.

I saw the large person on the chair, and sighed in relief. Charlie was far from an intruder, he's a softie. I glared, though, already tired of seeing him, simply because he was my best friend. I pinched his cheek, pulling and tugging on the flesh until he awoke. His eyes snapped open, and he momentarily glared, brushing my hand off and closing his eyes. I pinched again, harder. He, without opening his eyes, began to try to threaten me.

"Johnathan. Get. Away. From. My. Fuckin'. Cheek. Now," Charlie snarled tiredly, trying to smack me without opening his eyes. I easily dodged his hits, chuckling.

"Where's Jay?" I asked, tugging again. He whined and tried to scoop back.

"I don't fuckin' know, but stop it, dammit, that hurts!" He cried, scooting back. I groaned, going to look for Jorel in our bedroom. I walked down the hall, smiling at the thought of my love.

I opened the bedroom door and had to resist the urge to coo out loud at the adorable sight before me. Jorel had fallen asleep in a chair, holding his book, where he wrote all his lyrics, tiredly to his chest. He had his head on the chair, and was drooling everywhere.

"Baby," I cooed, shaking him gently. He tiredly tried to shy away, murmuring tiredly under his breath. I, realizing he wouldn't wake up, just smiled, deciding to go piss Charlie off and let him sleep.

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