Taken Away

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            Kayla had been hanging out with the boys more often. She understood being with Zill. She spends hours at a time with her boyfriend per day. But now Jackson was asking to see her a bit more. She didn't find this too odd, she had known him since elementary school, but he wasn't often the one asking to get together. Usually she would have to extend a hand or Zill would make the move for them to all 'hang' though now he's the one who's making a conscious effort to hang out. Maybe those counseling sessions with Ms. Walden were actually working? That would be incredible if that was the case. Kayla's mind kept thinking about the weekend she spent with the others until she reached school. It was odd, someone from this very school had disappeared, no longer to return but no one batted an eyelash anymore. It was like they almost forgot what just happened. What was the deal? This was a murder, which hadn't happened in Safe Haven since, well ever. She would think at least someone's morbid curiosity would get the better of them and they'd at least talk about it. She didn't need to look far, as there were news reporters asking to interview students. Most people gave no comment, but those who did respond tried to give some respectful words. Camilla wasn't known to be a wholesome girl, but she was still a student. A person who had a life, family, and friends. Kayla only had a few run ins with her, but she didn't seem like the type to truly hurt another. She just seemed like someone who desired affection, even if she went about it the wrong way in Kayla's opinion. Kayla thought it would be respectful to give a few words about her. She heads over and of course the news team immediately caught sight of her.

"Oh, hello. Would you like to give a few words on the tragedy that had taken place a few days ago? The murder of a fellow classmate?" The newsman's voice had some odd tone to it, like he was trying to sell something at an auction and almost spoke too fast.

"Well, yes actually I would." Kayla says. She was no stray to the camera. A fair few shows she had been in were televised and she would always smile at how Zill said the stage lights complimented her beautiful features. Zill was a hopeless flirt sometimes, and Kayla sometimes enjoyed it.

"Alright then darlin'." The news man said before holding the microphone before her. The cameraman that was originally hanging out by the van rushed over with a camera to film Kayla's responses. "Now, this is a murder. Has never happened in Safe Haven before. How does that make you feel?"

Kayla spoke truthfully. "It makes me sick. Someone took the life of another, when people came here to escape the violence and prejudices of the outside world." The anger boiled inside of her. Whoever did this disrespected all that her home stood for, and Kayla wasn't too happy about that. "Whoever did this truly is a disrespectful sort."

"Well, what about the victim? Do you have words to say about her?" The news reporter asked. The pace he was keeping with his voice was almost hard to follow, but Kayla kept up the best she could.

"Camilla may not have been known as a wholesome sort around the school, but she was still a person." Kayla continued to speak her mind. "She still had dreams, she still had desires, and they were cut short by some horrible person. That doesn't deserve to be forgiven." Kayla didn't know it, but she was giving a glare that scared the news people. It sent chills through them that they didn't feel comfortable having.

"Well, thank you for your time. We need to be going now..." The newsperson quickly packed up, and they soon left. Kayla tilted her head. Why were they leaving in such a hurry? Though as she began walking away, she saw Autumn walk forward. She hadn't talked with him much, but she knew he was a decent enough sort. Though he was supposedly out for the days after his cousin passed.

"Hey. I just wanted to say thanks for what you said. Not many people have been... respectful of Camilla's passing outside my family..." Autumn sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.

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