A New Victim on Stage

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            The next school day, the members of the new 'Culture Club' gathered in a classroom that wasn't in use during lunch. Everyone had watched the Midnight Channel and did their own research to share with Zechariah, though it seems he had watched it as well. "You're all here. Good." The cheetah kept his calm demeanor as he began pacing around. "I trust you all saw the broadcast last night."

Zill nods a bit. "At first, I thought it was Jackson, although it wouldn't be much to worry about if he was thrown in." Zill gives a little shrug. "And their fur seemed a little less patchy. No offense bro."

"None taken." Jackson simply says. "Though, it was another canine. I couldn't see anything other than that though."

"Well..." Autumn began but slowly trailed off.

"If you think it's something important Autumn, tell us." Zechariah simply said, looking right at him. They all knew that Zechariah wouldn't hurt them, but sometimes his look on them was a little off putting. His gaze was sharp, cunning. It's like daggers were constantly being thrown in their direction.

"I think I would know who it was." Autumn says a bit nervously. "I think it could be... Ruben."

"You mean Rusty?" Kayla asks, beginning to think. "But the way the image moved, would Rusty really be doing something like that?" They all thought back to the broadcast. The figure moved like it was trying to entice someone in a sexual way. It gave a fair amount of them the shivers.

"It could be something he repressed." Zechariah simply states. "It could have nothing to do with a sexual act. It's just how this dark side of him manifested itself."

"You're too calm about this sir... That image gave me thoughts I do not want in my head." Zill shudders a bit. "No. Not letting my mind go there."

"I've seen many things within my career. I am more focused upon keeping this student safe and away from harm." Zechariah says, now sighing as he realized something. "Though, it seems Ruben has ditched school. And I would not know where he frequents."

"I tried calling him when morning broke. I did not receive an answer outside of a rather... mean spirited text." Autumn says, rubbing the back of his neck. "A lot of colorful words. I would say something happened between him and his father."

"Then we could split up. Find him and then report to the others?" Jackson says, getting ready to go.

"I would have to create some form of excuse for this." Zechariah lightly grumbles, but nods. "You may head out. But when you find him, report it to me immediately. You can reach me through my office phone or Ms. Cameron."

"There are a few places he'd go." Autumn says, beginning to list the places off the top of his head. "His new apartment, the model gun store he works at, a... club but that isn't open until six, and this restaurant that he likes for some reason. I think it's... Red Ralph's or something?"

"It's a diner me and my mom go to." Jackson said, recognizing the name. "I could go by there."

"He wouldn't trust many other people going to his apartment, so I'll go there." Autumn said as he began collecting his things.

"Then I guess me, and Kayla will check out the model weapon's place. I could pick something up for Kayla while we're there." Zill nods a bit.

"Is there something wrong with my current gear?" Kayla asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all babe. Just wanna see if there's something you like more." Zill gives a little shrug.

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