Theodore's Visit

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            Jackson took some time to rest before going to the Velvet Room. The familiar sound of the attendants playing away on the instruments in the room. Jackson walked to Margaret, holding the sword that he had retrieved from the defeated Shadow from earlier. "Well, we got it. Will we... get to keep this? Kayla took a real liking to it." Jackson asks nervously.

Margaret gives a simple nod. "Yes, we have no use for it. It was our intention to strengthen you for the coming trials. And we did promise you a reward." Margaret holds a Persona card out to Jackson. It was one of the paper dolls that had guarded the star Shadow. Though Jackson felt its energy and knew its name now. It was called Kodama.

Jackson stood there for a moment, before asking "May I... fuse Personas? I haven't really tried it yet and I have a few Personas I can use."

This seemed to catch Igor's attention, gesturing Jackson to come closer. "It is one of our duties to perform these rituals. Please, sit across from me." He gestured to the seat across from the piano he sat at. Jackson sat down as asked. "Now, present the Personas you wish to fuse. No more than two, please." Jackson held up the new card he got, Kodama, and placed Genbu down as well. "Let us... begin." Igor says, and begins playing the piano. He played faster and faster, and the cards began glowing, circling around each other. As the song slowed, Igor played a final, powerful note that had the cards push together into a new one. The new Persona presented itself as a large, beautifully colored red bird. Its feathers resembled that of a peacock and it flew above the ground before taking place in the card, landing in Jackson's hand. He learned its name from touching the card. Suzaku is what it's called.

"Thank you, Igor." Jackson said politely, going to stand. "Now uhm... Margaret? Theodore?"

The two siblings looked up from their instruments, Theodore being the first to respond. "How may we help you?"

"My team... kinda wants to meet you two so I was hoping, maybe we could do that? I did see that you guys had a request to see the city." Jackson gave a nervous smile as he spoke.

The two looked to each other, Margaret shaking her head. "I have duties to attend to here. Theodore might enjoy it."

"Yes. I would ask that you escort me. I would love to see your city that hides from plain sight!" Theodore excitedly proclaims.

"I uh... I see. Well, let's head outside then. I'll give Zill a call and maybe we can get the others to meet you." Jackson smiles, going to head out. Theodore followed happily along. Once in the real world, the two were standing outside the Velvet Room. Jackson goes to call up Zill whilst Theodore looked around in awe.

"Excuse me, might I see the place you go to school? It's quite extravagant compared to what's outside, no?" Theodore asks, a polite tone in his voice.

"I wouldn't know. I've spent all my life here but, sure. Zill will be there with Kayla anyways. They could help show you around." Jackson says with a little smile, leading Theodore on to the Zoo Phoenix Academy. The grounds were obviously still open. After school activities and clubs were continuing after the school day has ended so Jackson could show Theodore around. Zill and Kayla supposedly were practicing a song routine with Jackie today. As they entered the main hall, Theodore would seem captivated by the aquariums in front of him.

"So... some of the residents of this town live in tanks?" Theodore asks curiously, looking on at the fish swimming around in it.

"What? No, those are just normal fish." Jackson states in response.

"O-oh... I knew that!" Theodore said hurriedly. "They are... for storing fresh fish for consumption later." He tries to cover up his mistake.

"Theodore, I think some of the fish in that tank wouldn't be safe to eat..." Jackson sighs a bit as he spoke.

A Zoo in the Fog (PersonaxZoophobia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora