Velvet Trial One - The Queen of an Inescapable Fate

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            Zechariah sat in his home, having a hard time deciding what to do with the information he had just received. It was true that this was a huge breakthrough in the case of the murder, if it was all true. Jackson had no reason to lie, and had no real history of lying, yet it was still odd to consider. And the terms 'Persona' and 'Shadow' sounded a little familiar. He grimaced as he continued to think. Jackson would have no motive to kill, and to be fair he didn't hide it for long. Zechariah let out an audible sigh before Cameron walked over to him.

"Is everything ok Zechariah? You're doing the squinty face again." She asked, a little concerned. He would often begin squinting or grimacing whenever he was completely lost in thought.

"Oh, yes I'm alright. Just... thinking on the case." Zechariah said as he tried to get his thoughts back on track, but then looked to Cameron. "Do you know what the terms Persona and Shadow relate to? Anything from psychology?"

Cameron seemed curious at this question. "I didn't know you were into psychology Zechariah."

Zechariah shakes his head and responds "As much as I find the topic interesting, that's not why I ask. A student came to me with info on the incident from a few weeks ago... and those words came up."

Cameron, who was rather shocked that this was where the conversation was going and was taken aback by this. "Oh, uhm... well, it's all based from the concept of Jungian psychology. It was a lesson back in college."

"Please, tell me what you remember. It is important." Zechariah focused to Cameron, now listening to every detail about this topic.

"Well, it's been a few years..." Cameron said, trying to think back before saying "The whole concept comes from the idea that people stem from certain archetypes and complexes. They're patterns in which a person fell into line with when it came to how they acted." Cameron then took a seat by Zechariah, the memories from the lesson flowing back to her. "The 'Shadow' stems from all the negative parts of the person's psyche or the things the owner of the thoughts deems as unacceptable."

"Do you know of anything about the shadow violently forcing its way out to be shown?" Zechariah asks, making mental notes of almost everything. It somewhat came with the job of being a peacekeeper. Every detail of a crime scene, a situation, or something from one of his students, he had to remember. Though sometimes it helps lend itself to his sleepless nights.

Cameron was a bit confused on the question before responding with "I... suppose it could if a person is put under a lot of stress."

"And Persona... what are those defined as?" Zechariah asks

"Well, they're essentially social masks people wear to conceal their true nature. Whether it be to appease someone or protect the person from harmful external stimuli." Cameron lightly chuckles. "Stimuli, I sound like you when you think aloud."

"Oh please, you embarrass me." Zechariah rolls his eyes a bit, having made mental note of all these things.

"Fabian likes to tell me things I can embarrass you with." Cameron smiles a bit, lightly giggling to herself.

"I should've known..." Zechariah slowly smiled at the other. "Besides, you're a smart individual Cameron. It doesn't matter how you speak."

A little bit of red dusted Cameron's cheeks. "Oh, you're exaggerating..."

"I am not one to exaggerate Cameron." Zechariah continued to smile, which was more pleasant than one would think. Especially for someone who's usually so serious.

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