The Trust Exercise

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            Everyone made their way through the TV like routine, and they would all make their way back to Kayla's castle. She looks up at the building, rubbing her arms. "I was hoping I wouldn't need to have to come back here."

Zill held her hand tightly, giving her cheek a little kiss. "It'll be ok Kay. That wasn't you, and we know it." Zill did his best to comfort her, and she could only sigh.

"It was in a sense Zillion... It was honestly... horrible." Kayla looked to him, then toward the castle before her. "All those thoughts stemmed because I once believed that our love holds me back. I was stupid to ever think that at all."

"You don't have to go in if you don't want to." Zill attempted to reassure her.

"No, I... Jackson needs me for this. He needs all of us to be at his back in case something goes wrong. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Rusty get knocked flat." Kayla giggles a little bit, having Zill follow along with a chuckle.

"Well, when we're done here, lets spend some time together, you and me." Zill gave a smile before saying "At least, after the whole exhaustion thing."

"I would like that very much Zill..." She places a small kiss on his cheek before walking up to the others, Zill soon following.

"Is everything alright you two?" Jackson asks the couple as they catch up with the group.

"Don't worry about it, Jack. Just a little something between me and Kayla." Zill gives him a little pat on the back before looking to Rusty with a small glare. "Are you sure you're going to be alright with him?"

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Rusty growls at Zill.

"It means, up until now, you would hit Jackson for the dumbest reasons. And you have shown me nothing in the fact that you'd listen or work with him well." Zill crosses his arms, his glare persisting on Rusty.

"I thought today was a trust exercise Zill." Autumn states whilst shooting a glare at Zill, who soon looks away.

"Just remember what side you're on now Rusty... or at the very least, auditioning for." Zill says, distancing himself from Rusty but just keeping an eye on him from a distance. Even Jackson could feel the unnerving stare.

"Lets just get going." Jackson says with a sigh, walking on ahead into the castle. The halls were the same in look, but clearly felt like a different layout than before. Though one thing that was interesting to see is that any shadows that would be a cake walk to them now, fled at first sight of them. It was confusing at first, but it was somewhat funny to Jackson. A big monster capable of otherworldly powers feared a scrawny looking dog like him. It even made him chuckle a bit.

"What's so funny?" Rusty asks Jackson, seemingly a bit on edge with all the eyes on him.

"Oh, just that... look at me. I'm nothing special to brag about, but the shadows are running from me." Jackson shrugs a bit. "I dunno, I just found it odd enough."

"Dude, you go into another dimension to save people from these things. They better start acting scared." Rusty gave a little grin. "Besides, you're probably something to brag about now man. I... nah, you were always something to brag about. I was just a dickhead when I thought about it before."

"I don't understand what's so special about me apart from the personas..." Jackson looks down.

"You've got friends at your back, and you'd sure as shit do anything for them. Anyone around you can see that. Now stop moping about, we're supposed to be kicking ass." Rusty hefted up his weapon, which was a sledgehammer he brought from home. Jackson would nod to him as they proceeded, the weaker shadows being no problem for the team now that they've handled tougher opponents, and it was good practice for Rusty to get into. Though at the top of the castle, there was a dark energy radiating from the area that they fought Kayla's shadow. It felt overpowering in a way, like this shadow was on an entirely different tier than the cannon fodder they just faced. Jackson took a deep breath to brace himself, placing his hand on the door.

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