A Day With Damian and Rusty's Feelings

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            Jackson went through the school day with relative ease after that. He passed a couple of tests, got shoved into a locker only once as well. It was going quite well for once. Though as he left the school grounds for the day, he would soon be tackled to the ground by something red and poofy. His cousin, Damian. "Jackson! You're alright!"

Jackson looked to his cousin, a bit confused by his choice of words. "uhm... of course I am?" Jackson said.

"We have been trying to call you all last week. Where the heck you been?" Damian asks, just sitting on his chest.

"I uh... around I guess? It's been pretty busy." Jackson slowly pulled himself up, looking at his cousin.

"Oh. Oooooh you mean... gotcha." Damian gave a little nod, understanding Jackson's plight, though then he immediately asks "You wanna hang out?"

Jackson just sat there, his confusion ever growing. "You... want to hang out?"

Damian nods quickly. "Yeah."

Jackson raises his eyebrow. "With me?"

Damian just nods again. "Yeah."

Jackson slowly stood up, setting Damian aside. "Damian, do you remember the last time we hung out? At all?" He crossed his arms.

"Uh..." Damian thought back a bit. "Was it the Kool-aid incident or the Tabasco incident?" He asked, almost like he was trying explicitly to be innocent.

"Damian, they occurred on the same day." Jackson just glares at his cousin, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah but which one came first?" Damian asks, floating up to eye level around Jackson.

Jackson rolls his eyes. "Damian don't get started on that chicken or the egg thing again." He said bluntly.

"But I need to know!" Damian exclaims, pouting a bit.

Jackson sighs. "Alright, fine. What do you want to do?"

"We could go to the arcade!" Damian says aloud. "We can do that racing game ya always like!"

"Damian, we always end up doing that shooting game and then you throw the fake gun at me." Jackson just kept up a consistent glare that just spoke millions of words, all to Damian. They weren't happy ones either.

"Yeah but ya know HOW to use a gun now! We could do the ones with the revolvers!" Damian did little finger guns at Jackson. "You get to be a cowboy."

Jackson rolls his eyes. "I guess we could go for that..." Jackson picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Alright!" Damian gave a little victory fist pump and began heading for the arcade. Jackson just followed close behind. Usually his luck didn't branch out well when he was hanging out with Damian. Usually it involved some sort of pain on Jackson's side. He hoped that it wouldn't come to that but sadly, this is Damian. The Prince of Hell. He's going to be in for a bit of a ride, or at least he thought so. They would soon arrive at a little arcade downtown. It had been there for a while and housed a lot of games from the outside. Though some of them might be outdated, there were a few made by Safe Haven residents. Each of the games brought their own bit of fun to the table, though Jackson was thinking of how not to be stabbed by Damian when he gets his fake sword from the ticket counter. Damian paid up for some tokens and hands Jackson some. "Now, ya wanna be a cowboy Jacky?"

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