The Queen's Knights

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            Jackson's worry persisted after school. Zill kept a stern expression as they all went up to pick up weapons for their upcoming TV trip. Autumn saw everyone's worry and knew he wouldn't be much of a help if he spoke up, so he mostly just remained silent. Their somber tones seemed to carry into the model weapons store as even Rusty could figure it out.

"Shit, you all look like... never mind." Rusty was going to relate their looks to someone having died, but it would've been too insensitive. Even for him. "I knew Autumn had a problem but not the rest of ya." Rusty sighed before asking. "So, what do ya want?"

"Anything that's better than this." Zill held up the model shotgun he got from the tv world. It mimicked a double barrel shotgun pretty much anyone would be familiar with. Rusty looked it over and headed in the back. He would pull something out of a box and headed back over with a lever action shotgun.

"Winchester 1887. Technically ever since it isn't real we could saw the barrel down to make it look like the ones they use in action movies." Rusty held the gun up to Zill, who took it in his hand. He flicks his hand, getting a feel for the lever. "Uh... that loads in the next shell." Rusty said, trying to make sure Zill didn't hurt himself twirling the thing around.

"It'll do." Zill said as he paid up, getting it in the box and going to wait outside.

"... He hasn't been ok ever since Kayla..." Jackson began to say but then Autumn stopped him.

"We can do this Jackson. We'll save Kayla in time for dinner." Autumn gave a bit of a reassuring smile.

"If there's anything I can do to help, let me know." Rusty says, going back to tending to the counter. The two other boys began to walk out. Zill would start to walk ahead.

"Zill, wait. You can't keep walking ahead. Remember what happened last time?" Jackson took a hold of Zill's arm and kept him from walking further away from the group. Zill looked down, but then took a deep breath and simply nodded. "Thank you." Jackson kept Zill close as they head to Jackson's place. It wasn't long until they got there. At least, it felt like it was a short walk. They must've been speed walking the entire way. They wasted no time hopping into the TV either.

Zill took a deep breath. "Do we got a plan?" He asked, now that he was in the TV world, the thoughts of yesterday came back to him. He wasn't ready to start rushing ahead like before. He realized this, but it didn't make him any less anxious.

"Uh..." Autumn looked back at the pathway to the castle. "It seems shadows have specific weaknesses we can target. Jackson's proficient with lightning... I got wind... and..." He looks to Zill. "I don't know what you have."

"I would guess fire after you two fought that... other me." Zill almost chocked on those last two words.

"Which I'm weak to." Autumn was writing this all down as they walked. "Jackson, Headless Horseman was weak to wind. What about Pixie?"

"When I'm using her, I feel scared of getting hit by... something nuclear or gun related." Jackson mutters. The other two boys just stare at him. "It's just the feeling I get!" Jackson quickly said, crossing his arms.

Autumn went back to writing. "Which must mean shadows have skills we haven't seen yet." The boys all walked on, Autumn kept making notes. Though as they walked, they encountered a shadow. It was structured like a small being with a flower for a head. It let out a wail and lunged at the boys. Zill pulled Autumn aside and Jackson dodged. It kept wailing and it was starting to sound somewhat annoying.

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