Chapter 1: Atom bomb

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A/n hey guys this is my first ever story hope you like and please no hate love you and thanks for reading!!

It was a bright and sunny fall morning. Halloween was in a few weeks and everyone in Sanctuary Hills has decorated their houses for the holiday. Y/N is asleep in bed about to wake up and start her day.

I woke up with tears in my eyes and cold sweat running down my freckled face (sorry if you don't have a freckled face). I sat up and rubbed my e/c eyes. My h/c hair was in my face like it is every morning. It was like this because I always have nightmares about my abusive ex boyfriend beating me again like he did just about every night after a trip to the bar.

I look at my cloak that sits on my bedside table which read 10:32 am. "I need to be at Nora's by 11" I said to myself getting up and going to my closet. I put on an oversized baby blue sweater and some black jeans. I then made my way to the bathroom to fix my rats nest of hair.

When I look at myself in the mirror I see bags under my eyes from lack of sleep caused by the nightmares. I shrug it off and put my hair into a messy bun before heading out the front door.

Sanctuary Hills was a beautiful and peaceful neighborhood. Children playing on the local playground to the little stream that flowed under a wooden bridge at the entrance of the neighborhood. There were about 13 houses in Sanctuary Hills all with beautiful green lawns and white picket fences surrounding them. Nora lives about 3 houses down from where I live so, I make my way down the street breathing in the fresh morning air.

I turn off the side walk to the right onto the lawn of a beautiful 1 story light blue house with an orange door, much like the rest of the neighborhood's houses. I walk up the path and give a quick knock, then shortly after Nate answers the door. Nate smiles once he sees me " Y/N! Glad you could make it come on in! he said opening the door for me. "It's good to be back Nate." I say walking in to a living room on the right furnished with a red couch, arm chair, and ottoman all facing a TV.

I sit on the stool at the bar while Nate asked Codsworth to make 3 cups of coffee before he sat in the living room watching the news.
"Of course, and may I ask how you are Miss Y/N?" Codsworth said while making the coffee. "I'm fine Codsworth and how are you this fine morning?"
"I'm as splendid as always, I do believe that Mrs Nora would like your company in Shaun's room as I recall." He said before returning to the coffee. "Right, thanks Codsworth, nice catching up with you." I said before getting up and walking down the hallway to Shaun's room. I walk into the baby's room to see Nora standing over her infant's crib in the left corner. Nora had been my best friend since grade school even if we were 4 years apart. I was her bridesmaid when she got married to Nate, and I was there when Shaun's was born. "Oh hey Y/N thought you'd never sho-" she paused when she saw me. "Oh Y/N, your still having those nightmares?" She said referring to the bags under my eyes.

"Come here." Nora said with open arms which I gladly fell into. " He can't hurt you anymore I'll make sure of it." she said trying to comfort me as I cry on her shoulder. "Nora, Y/N coffees ready!" Nate yelled from the living room. "We'll be there in a minute!" Nora said letting go of me to check on Shaun. She spun the mobile on his crib which caused the little red rockets to spin creating music. "Mommy's going to go now I'll be back I promise, come on let's go" Nora said to me while walking out of the room to the kitchen.

"Here is your coffee Miss Y/N, 173.5 degrees, brewed to perfection!" Codsworth said setting the coffee on the bar counter which I took and sat down. "Thank you Codsworth." I took a sip of my coffee as Nora sat down next to me on the stool also sipping her coffee. "So, Y/N, what do you want to do today?" " I was thinking we could -" I started saying but, Nate told us to take a look at the news. The reporter on the TV looked shocked about what he was reading on the paper in front of him. " Reports say that flashes have been seen north, blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions we.. we're trying to get confirmation on these events but, we seem to have lost contact with the stations. We do have coming in confirmed reports, I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania... my god."

"We need to get to the vault, Nora go get Shaun we're getting out of here." Nate said while opening the door to sirens and screaming. The once peaceful neighborhood was now a chaotic and panicked scene. Military aircrafts flying above the neighborhood, heading Southwest, and the local residents running to the vault to survive the inevitable. Nora came running out of the house with Shawn in her arms so, we too could run for the vault. We ran as fast as we could up the trail to the vault not that far from Sanctuary Hills. I tried to keep up with the two as they ran ahead past others to a chain link fence with a man standing in the entrance with a clipboard in hand. "We need to get in, we're on the list!" Nate said to the man which caused him to search for them on his list. " One male, one female, and an infant boy, ok you can go through." He said stepping aside letting them through. Once I tried to walk in after them he stopped me " Your not on the list mam, please step back." "Nora help me!" I yelled after her trying to push past him. Once she realized what was happening she told him that I was with them. He reluctantly let me through to go to the vault. I caught up with Nate and Nora who were standing on a platform which was shaped like a vault door with the numbers 111 in the middle. The men told us to hurry and stand in the middle and once I did they lowered us down. As if on cue, a big explosion went off in front of us, the end of our world as we knew it. A wave of radiation sped over the land, killing and mutating anything in its path. Just as it was about to hit us, the hatch closed above us sealing us in.

A/N hope you guys didn't get bored with all the detail anyway thank you so so so so much for reading please vote and comment something to let me know your there bye till next time!!

A/N hope you guys didn't get bored with all the detail anyway thank you so so so so much for reading please vote and comment something to let me know your there bye till next time!!

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