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Prince Gumballs POV. 

Marshall held me close as we flew through the air to the ice kingdom. Im slowly beginning to become accustomed to traveling like this. The wind in my hair felt so nice up here. White puffy clouds a blur and the endless green of the ground below. Soon enough the air began to get colder and the green grass shifted to an unforgiving white for miles. I shivered slightly and buried my face into the crook of Marshalls neck; he chuckles  "I told you to dress warm Gummy are you already cold? We can go back if you dont want to go today." He pulls the hood of my coat closer to my neck like a child "No Im fine i promise." Marshall looks at me and kisses my cheek with his cold lips."If you say need to loosen up from all that prince stuff just let it go. You dont have to be that good guy you always had to be.I like you better as my bad little boy." I blush a deep red remembering when he called me that for the first time the other night. "Earth to bubble butt?!" I gasp coming out of my thoughts when I notice Marshall had been holding me just standing in the snow. "Sorry Marshie I guess i wasnt paying attention." I wiggle a bit motioning for him to put me down. I shiver a bit as the dry cold wind whips past my face i see marshalls dark hair whip back exposing his crimsion red eyes. Oh how I love those eyes. Suddenly Marshall flies straight up into the air and calls down to me "I forgot the sled!! Be back in a second!!"; and he was gone. I stood in the icy turrain noticing a couple penguins waddling around and hearing the occasional 'wenk' from the fluffy lumps. The sound of Marshall humming filled the air and he was again by my side. "How do you fly that fast?" "Im just full of surprises babe I slow down a lot so I dont scare you. Come on lets have some fun!" He wraps a protective arm around my waist and floated up to the top of a huge hill. "You first or me?" He asks. "Um can we go together? Ive never done this before...." Marshall smiles adorably and sets the sled down and sits on the back opening his legs motioning for me to sit down. "Of course Bubba." I smile and sit down as fast as i can bending my knees up to my chest. "you ready?" Marshall asks; i can hear the excitement in his voice, its like we are little kids on a snow day. "Lets go!!" I yell leaning forward urging the sled to move. Marshall finally pushes the sled with what I believe was some of his supernatural strength. It felt like we were flying down the hill. Snow flying up and landing on my hood, snow flakes tickling my nose as we quickly descended to the bottom.

Marshalls POV. 

Bubba was having a blast sledding. We had to have gone down that huge hill at least thirty times, but sadly he is mortal and eventuntually they get cold. I havent been cold in so long Ive forgoten what it was like. I watched as Gummy began to rub his hands together and fix his coat buttons going through the motions all mortals do as their body temperature drops. But this day has been so perfect I dont want it to end. "Gumball?" I ask innocently. "yes Marshall?" He asks his teeth chattering slightly. "Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on lets go and play!" I practically sing floating up in the air doing a twirl knowing he couldnt say no to that. Thats when I heard something i never thought i would hear him say. "Marshall no; lets go home." My heart sank into my chest; guess the perfect date is over too soon. Apparently my emotions were obvious on my face. "Marshie Im just cold. Youre in a t-shirt and fine but Im made of live flesh and blood I get cold. We will come back again soon I promise." I smile and pick him up again when I realize hes been shivering; but I could sense the warm blood in his veins. Blood.........warm sweet blood. For the first time in my life as a vampire my fangs demon eyes focusing on the pulse radiating from gumballs neck. Before I knew it my face is inches away from his neck Gumball kissed my cheek bringing me back to my senses. I panicked flying as fast as I could back to the candy kingdom. Gummy tugging on my shirt telling me to slow down but i ignored it. I had to get away from him before I accidently hurt the one i loved the most. We were greeted by the sweet aroma of the kingdom in no time; I hovered over gumballs balcony setting him on his feet effortlessly. "Why are you in such a hurry Marshie?" he asked concerned. I quickly calmed myself before answering, "um I was just making sure you got warm fast enough, a prince cant have a cold." He must have believed me with that goofy smile on his face. "Do you wanna stay here tonight marshall? Its getting dark." I noticed the sun going down over the horizon making the sky a deep pink; as pink as my beloved Gumball. "Baby I cant gotta clean up the house if youre gonna start coming over a lot." I lied smoothly. He looked dissapointed then stretched his arms out wanting a hug. I floated down to him and wrapped my arms around the small of his back lifting him up slightly before crashing my lips against his. The sweet smell of his skin was intoxicating the heat of his lips so warm against mine. A wave of hunger hit me causing my fangs to throb in protest; I pull away shocked, gumball sharing my emotion. "Marshie whats wrong?" he asks concern in his voice. "Nothing babe just hungry I guess im gonna fly on home. Bye cutie." I say floating into the air about to take off. "Bye baby." he waves as I fly off into the night twords the cave I call home. I finally see my little red house in the cave and sigh in relief. "No place like home." A shadow passes infront of my window. Who would dare to break into the vampire kings home? I open the door carfully scanning the dark with my demon eyes seeing each detail effortlessly. My muscles slowly relax; I must be really tired. "My little vampire is finally growing up? The candy princes blood will be so sweet, only the best for the king right?" I growl baring my fangs in the dark. "Hello Mother."

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now