Ice cold

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Marshall POV

I flew as fast as I could away from the castle. Ignoring the yelling of the banana guards and candy citizens. My vision is soon blurred with black tears. Why did this have to happen to me? I was finally happy; so happy I could have sworn my heart would beat at the sight of gumball. I wipe my eyes and try to hold in my sobs as I fly over the open fields of Aah. With only the moon to hear me a song slowly leaves my lips as my heart dropps to my stomach. 'I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough I've given you all my love I'm still lookin' up!' I flip over floating on my back and fly slower as my emotions calm and the tears slow from my eyes. I take a deep breath and continue, every sadness I've ever felt fueling the words. "Even the stars they burn some even fall to the earth but we got a lot to learn and glob knows were worth it! No I won't give up!" I quit singing and let my mind wander to my prince. His perfect lips full and soft that make a genuine smile every time. Eyes that are endless like the sea and sparkle like stars...I've never seen eyes that blue. And a voice that's so compelling I can't help but to smile and memorize every moment he speaks. But now I will never feel his touch..or hear his voice....his breath on my skin unless I figure this hunger thing out. I open my eyes and realize snow flakes are falling all around me. A large ice castle off in the distance. I start to wonder why I flew to the ice kingdom but my fangs throb in discomfort as they enlarge piercing my bottom lip. I lick the blood off quickly as I finally consider my options. Ice queen is very confident...a little cold but still delicious. I smile and let my fangs fully extend before flying twords the large ice castle.

I turn invisible before flying in through one of the few windows of the castle. I look around the room of what seems to be a bed room. A few penguins waddle across the floor not seeming to sense my presence. "Gunther!!! Come to mama!" I cringe at the ice queens shrill voice but my stomach growls in protest as her scent reaches my nose. Soon enough she walks through the door of the room and picks up a rather plump penguin petting him like I would my zombie cat. (She ran away a while ago I should probably look for her soon)

Well better now than never I guess. I smile and turn visible right infront of ice queen. She suddenly stands defensive her ice magic causing her hands to glow as she yells. "How did you get in my house!? What are you doing here!" I chuckle and calmly say "well I flew and I was wondering if you would like to do a trade." She looks at me puzzled her hands stop glowing as she thinks over the offer. "What kind of trade??" I smile and say seductivly, "lets say I can drink some of your blood and you can touch this." I unbutton my shirt exposing my defined ab muscles the top of my hip bones showing slightly. She nods eagerly. I try not to shudder at the thought of her touching me but I need the blood so why not. I try to play it cool as I float over to her and move her hair away from her neck. I scrape my fangs over her jugular vein the blood is warm underneath with her racing heart beat. Her hands trail over my jeans and I pull away quickly. "Only the abs sugar, nothing else." She looks at me angerly but it fades away as she traces over my flexed muscles. I look back to her neck and lick my lips before sinking into the warm flesh. I swallow large gulps, it's much more bitter than gumball though but I don't mind. It's still so satisfying. A small moan escapes my lips as I'm finally starting to feel full. I lean back and lick over the wound. Ice queen smiles weakly as she lays back on her bed. Thank glob she isn't dead. I button back my shirt before I finally speak. "Thanks sugar. Ill be back soon, enjoy yourself?" I run a hand over my stomach raising my eye brows. She smiles weakly and closes her eyes. Probably tired from the blood loss. I finally float back out the window and twords my cave. If I can keep this up I might be able to control my self around my prince. I smile like a dork as my little cave comes into view.

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