Sweet silence.

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Marshalls POV

“Shit.” I panic still holding the unconscious gummy in my arms and lick the blood from my lips. Peppermint maid shaking in fear physically palling putting a small hand over her mouth as she yells for the guards. Soon enough a large group of banana guards fill the large bedroom and try to rip Gumball out of my arms. “No!! I didn’t mean to I swear! He said it was okay!” sure enough they wrestle me to the ground as I throw them off as if they were paper. My muscles rippling easily with their weight; my demonic side taking over as my vision turns to red. Only one thought raced through my mind; find my gumball. With my heightened senses in the dark I could still see everything easily. A faint smell of bubblegum fills my nose. “I know where they’re taking you now gummy bear.” I smile floating high above the useless banana guards to find my prince. Suddenly an awful pain fills my chest; I fall hitting the ground way too hard cracking pieces of the candy pink tiles. My body begins to convulse as I realize someone electrocuted me. The room begins to fade to black as I hear a pair of tiny heels click against the polished floor. “The monster has been neutralized; please ensure he is chained in the dungeon, away from anyone.” Peppermint maid instructed sweetly but I could easily detect the anger in her voice. I finally loose consciousness as the electricity finally leaves my muscles. I never wanted to be the monster.


Gumballs POV.

Various noises and voices swirled through my head. My neck is killing me, I open my eyes only to be greeted by the harsh fluorescents of the infirmary. I look around and try to sit up taking in my surroundings. The soft white walls and pale pink curtains over my single window.  The heart monitor beeping, as it should for a perfectly healthy prince. I try to stand but trip causing the IV to topple over with me. I moan out in pain and try to stand as several footsteps are heard running towards my room. “My prince! Please get back in bed!” Peppermint yells for she is the first to reach my room and tries to help me back in bed. Fiona and doctor prince soon follow and assist me back to my original spot. “Im sorry I didn’t realize how many pain killers were in my system, my apologies.” Fiona giggles, “quit acting so royal PG you’re hurt. You can be all royal when you’re better okay?” I nod and slip further down into the blankets and enjoying their warmth. Soon enough the thought crosses my mind as I turn to Fiona, “where is Marshall?” I ask the worry obviously coating my voice. The blonde looks to the floor playing with the hem of her shirt awkwardly before looking back to me. “PG I’m sorry he hurt you. The kingdom had to take action to protect you.” Tears begin to fill my eyes as my voice turns harsh as I glare at Fiona. “where did they take him.” She looks at me surprised by my sudden change in mood. “PG calm down.” I feel rage bubble up in my very core as I throw the blankets back and throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. I turn to peppermint maid, “As your prince and leader of the candy kingdom, I demand you tell me where you have taken Marshall Lee the vampire king at once!!” I yell at her. She looks down scared of my sudden outburst and mumbles something out of earshot. “TELL ME NOW. I AM YOUR PRINCE!” Peppermint maid begins to cry softly and looks at me with tear filled eyes before saying barely above a whisper. “He is in the dungeon. He cannot hurt you anymore in there. He is a threat to the candy kingdom. A monster that wishes to destroy our leader; I had to take matters into my own hands for your protection my prince.” I start removing my IV from my arm and stand to leave. “Peppermint maid bring me clothes.” I demand, still mad at her as I examine the pale blue hospital gown. Fiona looks at me grumbling under her breath. “you don’t have to be so mean gumball” I stare at her shocked before I fake a smile and calmly reply. “my soulmate is in the dungeon of MY kingdom before he had the right to explain himself. Of course Im mad Fiona, the people of my kingdom have to realize that.” Peppermint maid interrupts me by shoving the princely attire against my chest. “there you are my prince.” She then curtsies and leaves the room without a word. I take off the hospital gown leaving me in only pink boxers. Fiona begins coughing and shouting “I’m still in here you know!” I look at her blushing face and flex my abs making them even more prominent and laugh as she turns a darker shade of red. “Im gay Fiona get your eyes back in your head.” She quickly looks away and begins admiring the pink curtains as I finish getting dressed. “To the dungeon!” I exclaim making Fiona jump as I grab her wrist taking off into a run dragging her along. 

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now