Wait for me

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Gumballs POV

"Woah PG! Slow down!!" Fiona yelled as I dragged her down the twists and turns of the castle corridor. "No! My king needs me!" I say between breaths as I try to run even faster never letting go of the young adventurers wrist. A blush rises up my neck to my ears. My king is waiting to be saved...

Soon enough we stumble upon the south wing of the castle. Not many citizens even know this part exists. This part of the castle is empty most of the time with only a few guards keeping watch. The walls are very bleak compared to the rest of the castle. A dull grey with no royal paintings or decorated furniture to accompany it. I finally release Fiona's arm and adjust my crown as my honored banana guards come into sight. The two guards both readjust their helmets and hold their staffs high. "Your highness what are you doing out of the infirmary!?" One guard asks obviously concerned. "I am in good physical health over all. I did make it all the way to the south wing didn't I?" Both guards shrug accepting my explanation. "Now as you're prince I have come with a guest requesting to see the prisoner." I gesture to Fiona and hold my head high, exaggerating my royal stature. The banana guards look to one another before turning back to Fiona. "Why do you wish to see him?" The guards ask in unison. "So I can um..." She plays with her shirt sleeve a bit before rolling it up, a smile on her face. "So I can punch his buns for hurting the prince! DUH!" The guards nod a slight smile on their face and unlock the door leading to the dungeon. I squint into the darkness and see a floating figure, small sobs of pain filling the room. I look back to Fiona surprise covering her features as anger bubbles inside of me. I swear if they hurt him.....who ever did it will be surely executed!!! I run to Marshall as fast as I can. He's floating on his back; looks like he's asleep but his face is covered in black tears. I grab his shoulders trying to snap him out of it. "Marshall baby wake up it's just a dream." I cooed till he finally opened his eyes and smiled that adorable smile. "Bubba! You're okay!" He practically yells and hugs me tight spinning me around flying higher into the air. I hug his back breathing in his sweet scent..apples yummy. Marshall kissed me softly as if I was glass as we land back on the ground. His lips trail down to my neck. I wince in pain as he kisses the bandage and his body goes ridgid. "I'm sorry." Marshall mumbles in over a whisper. "Marshy you didn't mean to you needed the blood it's ok. We will fix all of this with the council tomorrow okay." I say softly trying to calm him. "No bubba I need to fix this on my own." Tears fill my eyes, no this can not be happening! "Bubba don't cry please it's for the safety of you and your kingdom." Marshall says voice cracking as he holds back the tears. "I want you to be safe bubba ill fix this and come back for you I promise. But right now I'm just your problem." He caresses my face rubbing his cold thumb across my cheek wiping away the tears that fell. "You were never my problem." I whisper as my lip begins to tremble.

"If you love me let me go." He says softly, feet lifting off the ground. I lower my head defeated. And wipe my eyes. "I love you....bye Marshall." I say staring at the ground. "I'll be back I promise." Marshall kisses my forehead and floats to the door. "I love you too....bye...Barnaby." In a flash my king was gone.

SORRY ABOUT CHAPTER BEING SO SHORT BUT I JUST HAD TO HAVE THIS PART UP ASAP :) IT'S SAD BUT I LOVE IT. (Listen to "this is gospel" by panic! At the disco) and you'll get the whole feel of this chapter. -pikachu36541 xoxo

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