Long night

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Gumball POV
It's been about a month since Marshall left. I've remained totally focused on the good of my kingdom; filing paper work and such. I run a frustrated hand through my hair as I look at the pile of papers mocking me on my desk. When was the last time I slept? I think to myself as I lean back in my chair, faint dots covering my vision. I look at the clock. 3:15am, wow time really flies when your sitting on your butt day dreaming about your undead lover. Um I mean paperwork. I stand for the first time in hours stretching out all my limbs. Feeling me feet tingle from being asleep for glob knows how long. I take off my shirt leaving me in only my dress pants. I stumble over to the mirror and look myself over flexing my muscles. I've been working out a lot trying to rid my mind of anger. I roll my abs and smirk a bit. Damn if Marshall could see me now. I blush a bit at the thought of him seeing me like this. I'm much paler and lost my natural glow. Large bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I put on my lab coat not worrying about putting a shirt back on. I reluctantly leave my bed chambers down the darkened hall way and into the foyer. On my way to the lab I pass the carpet holding so many memories. A faint purple stain still there from so many years ago. I shake my head at the memory. I can still remember the pride in my fathers eyes; the smell of my mothers perfume. My thoughts get interrupted by the robotic voice of my lab security system."welcome king Gumball." I smirk and reply even though no one is there to hear. "That isn't until this afternoon. Happy birthday to me." Tears begin to fill my eyes but I force them away taking in a deep breath to calm myself. "Time to get to work" I mutter buttoning up my lab coat and examining the various formulas scribbled over my white board. Written in bold letters at the top 'BLOOD SUBSTITUTE.' I've been working on the different chemical combinations that make up the feeling of confidence; along with artificial blood. I chew of the cap of my marker as I study the numbers. Feeling confident I walk to the counter grabbing the needed chemicals before putting on my goggles. With shaking hands I mix together the various chemicals a bright red spreading throughout the large beaker. Looking back to the white board I realize why my other attempts have failed! It needs to be body temperature!! I practically giggle while I turn on the burner and place the beaker on top. I check my watch. "4:30 am" I mutter through a yawn. "3 hours and it should be perfect." I set the timer on the burner and sit down on one of my stools leaning on the large white counter. Soon my world fades to black.
"Gumball.....Gumball......BARNABY!!!!" I jump up from my sleeping position falling on the floor. Peppermint maid glaring down at me tapping her foot, arms crossed. "What are you doing sleeping in the lab!!" Her eyes trail down to my exposed waist and a light blush covers her face. "And put a shirt on you hippie!!!" I quickly button the rest of my lab coat before standing. "My apologies peppermint maid but I just had to test this new artificial substitute!!" She shakes her head smiling. "You sound just like your mother." I smile a genuine smile for the first time in days. "Happy Birthday king Gumball." She says with a grin. "Thank you" I reply as I take off my prince crown admiring it. "When is the coronation again?" "In an hour" I glance at my watch '7:30am'. Startled I run over to my swirling red beaker turning off the heater. "I did it!!! It's perfect!" I smile once again and hug an unsuspecting peppermint maid. "My king! Put me down!!" I just laugh and twirl her around before kissing her check and running to my bed chambers. Leaving a very confused peppermint maid back at the lab.
I finally make it to my pink bed room. Yawning I take off my lab coat letting it fall to the floor. I stumble over to my closet and look for my fathers kingly attire. I see Marshall's 'my chemical romance' shirt wadded on the ground. Ah, I miss him. I finally find the kings clothing. A light pink silk shirt with white dress pants and pink seams. A white coat with gold shoulder pads and golden fringes. Finally my fathers spare tie; a white silk tie with a pink lollipop on the bottom. Always hidden by the closed coat. I gently lay the outfit on my bed and go into the bathroom. I look in the mirror above the sink as I take off my pants. Noticing the more in depth hip muscles a deep v leading to........I blush before quickly taking off my underwear and stepping into the shower. I make the water as hot as I can stand while I wash my bubblegum pink hair. Feeling goofy I pick up my loofa and sing. "Dancing in the mirror! Singing in the shower lada dee lada da lada da!!" I start dancing as I put conditioner in my hair awkwardly wiggling my hips. I giggle at my silliness and rinse my hair. Finally I thoroughly wash my body before rinsing and stepping out into the freezing cold bathroom. I dry off and leave the towel wrapped around my hips. I very carefully get dressed in the new royal attire. Looking in the mirror I take a deep breath. Dad would be proud. Today is the day; and it's going to be amazing.
Marshall POV.
Since becoming accustomed to my twice a week blood gorges I've never felt better. Why did I ever drink color?!? It's been about month since I've seen Gumball. I miss him so much! But I finally got this hunger pain thing under control. I don't crave Gumballs sweet blood anymore. I've discovered some new powers since this whole thing happened. I can bend shadows to make any room dark when I need to; and control fire (won't flame prince be jealous). I also have a lot more strength than I used to and a bit more muscle tone. I chuckle to myself thinking of gummys reaction when suddenly the candy kingdoms palace bells can be heard ringing across the Land of Aah. I look out the mouth of my cave seeing the sunshine light up the world. "Ughh where's my umbrella." After a long ten minute search for my umbrella I take one last look in the mirror. I shaved my head since I last saw gumball. Well atleast half of my head; leaving it shaggy on one side and close cut on the other. Fixing my new snake bites I lick my fangs and make my way for my loves coronation.

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