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Marshall POV

I woke up to frantic knocking on Gummy butts door. I peek out the window pushing the hair out of my face; looks like two or three mid day.  I look down at his cute sleeping face and pull the covers over him hiding him completely. Using some of my new demon powers I transform myself to look like Gummy; pink hair and deep voice included. After stealing a pair of sweatpants from Barnaby's dresser; I float down to the ground and stumble to the door making sure my foot steps sound heavy with sleep.  I yank the door open with a groan met by peppermint maids motherly voice. "Your majesty if you sleep any longer you will not sleep at night." I sigh barely glancing back at the real sleeping king and clear my throat before speaking, "Actually peppermint I haven't slept in the past three nights and I have been completely exhausted between the lab and my newly acquired kingly duties." She gazes up at me her expression softening understanding the situation completely. "Ok, I will bring you your dinner around six sleep well your majesty." Suddenly she hugs me and I stiffen but eventually relax into the embrace. "You are just like your father, he would be so proud of you." I smile and rub her back. "Thank you Peppermint, it means a lot." With that she turns and walks back down the long royal hall to the stair case; heels clicking against the pink tile the whole way. I close the door back softly to ensure I don’t wake up Gumball. After changing back into my usual sexy self I slip back into the bed and drift back to sleep as soon as Bubba cuddles back into my arms.

The second time waking up was the best wake up call ive had in over a month. The fog of sleep quickly rises replaced with pleasure. I open my eyes to see a pair of pink lips wrapped around my "morning" wood and two ocean blue eyes staring playfully at me. "Bubba what are you-"? A moan suddenly escapes my lips as he takes me in deeper licking generously. My hips buck as my back arches my hands snaking their way into his hair. He hums sending vibrations all through my body. The feeling sends me over the edge and soon bubba is licking his lips obviously proud of my flushed face first thing in the morning. "why did you?" He smiles and casually answers; " I woke up half an hour ago and when I got up I kinda saw your situation and thought I would wake you up with a better surprise than strawberry tarts." My mouth begins to water at the thought of the tarts before im interrupted by a light punch to the shoulder. "I woke you up with that and you are day dreaming about pastries?!?!?!?!" I chuckle and shrug at his annoyed face. "you're a good cook baby I cant help it." I float over to him now brushing his teeth in the bathroom and wrap my arms around him. He finishes brushing his teeth and kisses me softly on the cheek. A blush quickly rises up his neck followed by an awkward cough. "what is it bubbs?" I ask knowing his little quirks way too well. "well ya see" he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and bites the inside of his cheek before continuing ; his blue eyes piercing through me. "you always float ive only seen you walk maybe twice so can you just stand on the floor for a bit?" I chuckle and nod before dropping to the floor when I realize something I never noticed before….

Gumball POV

"ha! I knew it!!" my heart is filled with delight as a dark blush fills marshalls face. "shut it gummy!" he floats back up and into my bed pulling the covers over his raven black hair. I giggle and call back to him amusement filling my voice. "I KNEW I WAS TALLER THAN YOU!!" I turn back to the mirror and start fixing my hair as a hear grumbles coming from my pouting boo bear. "what was that marshie??" I tease a smile playing on my lips. He throws the covers down quickly like a child having a tantrum. "you are never topping again!!" he pulls the covers back over his head and I laugh so hard tears are rolling down my cheeks. The sudden knock at the door startles me and I look back to my bed to see marshall has disappeared. "coming!" I yell and quickly reach the door before realizing im completely naked; I hear a chuckle before feeling a hand on my shoulder. I look over expecting marshall but instead seeing a mirror image of myself fully dressed in my kingly attire. Shocked I cover my mouth and about to scream but then the pink skintone fades into the grey I fell in love with and a kiss to my forehead. Marshall was still wearing my clothes and changed back to the image of me. "I got this ill just grab the food and you can eat and ill explain everything." it was odd hearing my own voice escape his lips. I scurry off to my walk in closet and close the door quickly as I hear marshall talking to peppermint maid as me. Apologizing for sleeping so long in the evening and will just see her in the morning. I hadnt realized I was leaned against the closet door until it was being pulled open causing me to fall to the ground; luckily marshall caught me before that happened. "I thought you already came out of the closet gummybutt, and here you go running back in on me. What a shame." he laughs before floating over to my work desk next to my balcony where all the food is layed out. My mouth waters as I look over the vast assortment. Bacon double cheeseburger, chocolate milkshake with a cherry on top, steak fries with extra salt, doritos with a tiny bowl of nacho cheese to dip them in, and a grilled cheese. The kitchen really knows how to spoil their king. I lick my lips and start munching on the fries enjoying the crunch and salt that fills my mouth. "you must waste a lot of food here they brought you a feast." I chuckle; "they usually bring more, the kitchen probably didn’t make as much where I slept most of the day." marshall looks at me confused before I pop a dorito in my mouth and smile at him. "yes marshall I eat it all. I like food sometimes more than I like science. " He laughs and kisses my cheek. I continue with my meal startled by marshalls sneeze and all the candles in the room are instantly lit. I drop the burger back on the plate staring wide eyed at my undead lover. "h-how did you do that?!" "Gummy baby breath" he reaches his hand out to me and I move away but instantly regret it when I see the hurt look on his face. "im so sorry I understand if youre scared of me. I actually scared myself when it started happening." I look at his hunched shoulders and sad expression; ive never seen marshall looking so small before. "I could never be scared of you what ever you are going through we can figure it out together. I mean you are dating the smartest man in Aah." I grin a soft blush rising in my cheeks.  I move to the bed sitting next to him comfortably. "now start from the beginning we have all night since we slept all day." I grin and lay on all the pillows waiting for the story to begin.

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