Authors note

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Okay! We have made it to almost 7 thousand readers!!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I'm so happy! Thank you guys so much! So in light of that I wanna know if any of you talented souls would like to send me fanart? Via kik and ill pick some as the covers of the last chapters c: *gasp!* last chapters!? Yes sorry sweeties but the story will be coming to an end soon ;-; but I'm writing a sequel "black licorice" and I think you guys will love it as much as I do <3 but any whosies! For the fan Art or if you just wanna fangirl with me (from the comments you guys seem really flipping awesome) just send it to pikachu36541 on kik c: {any drawings used you will have a dedication in said chapter :3}love you guys! Xoxo-Pikachu

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now