Chapter 6 - Cyber Craze

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Ein's POV

I was shocked, I couldn't believe my eyes, though no one else who knew who it is was, I needed them not to find out. Whoever it was, has a fake account, I don't know why they would do this, I don't remember doing anything bad to anyone, at least not directly.

I looked up from my phone and made direct eye contact with Blaze, his eyes, the were so big, filled to the very top with humiliation, even though he also knew that no else knew, but how in Irene's name are we going to get this to not spread. What if Aphmau and the pups recognize our hands! I can't even explain my feelings to Blaze himself, how could I ever talk about it to anyone else! This is a complete nightmare! If this gets around........*heart stops*...........what if it spreads out of school, if it got to my house...........................................

Blaze's POV

Oh my Irene, I looked straight back to Ein, seeing his face now confirmed it, that was me and Ein holding hands in that picture. Irene! I'll punch whoever it was's face into the back of their head! My only concern is anyone finding out that isn't Ein, Aphmau, or the pups. I hope Ein doesn't say anything to them though, I'd rather have them not know, but it's fine if they do......I guess.

We then headed off to lunch we're Aphmau was waiting, and you could see huge glowing stars in her eyes that were filled with gossip, you could tell she knew and she and pinky (Kawaii~Chan), wanted to ship it.

Ein's POV

We sat at the table and Aphmau exploded, she was screaming about how excited she was that there was a public ship, "Uh, I just wanna know who it is!!" Aph screeched. "He he, yeah, me too." I tried to say without sounding nervous. "Maybe they're already a couple!" Aph screamed. "Yeah, probably not," Blaze stated, sounding very calm, but I could see he was flipping out inside.

Blaze's POV

Oh my Ireeeeeeeeeeeeene!!

Ein's POV

This is horrible Aph is never going to stop talking about it! I wish I could tell her, but I know she'll never keep her mouth shut, I mean I really like Aphmau, *blushes a little*, "whatcha thinking about Ein......" Aphmau said in a very suspicious happy voice, telling me she saw me blush, "Um, nothing, just.....uh, the ship! Yeah, the ship, thinking about who it could be! Yeah!" I responded in an instant, "Oh yeah, who do you think it could be?" Aph asked, "I don't know," I replied with a straight face, I shocked myself I was able to lie that easily, it will probably come in handy until all of this gossip dies down.

~*Time Skip to last period*~

We were sitting in class and yet again everyone's phone went off, but I couldn't think of any other time we had been spotted holding hands or anything, then I saw........................... it was when I was leaving the cafe at the mall, it had Blaze's hand reaching out for mine as I walked away, but, thank Irene it still only showed the hands. This time the photo came with a caption, and it read, "Aw, too bad, rejection!💔" I was furious, whoever is doing this is playing some kind of dirty trick, I will search the whole Earth for this person and stop them from posting anymore! The only problem is, that I have no idea who this person is, but they know who me and Blaze are, so this just makes it a lot harder for us.

The last thing I would need is for this person to post anything about our identities, I'm not exactly alright with the fact that someone is stalking Blaze and I and posting pictures of us online, but I'm at least ok with the fact that they're not telling anyone who we are or any hints about us. I don't want to push my luck though.

Blaze's POV

Oh great, I'm finally passing all my classes and now there's something to distract me, I'm probably going to be stressed for the first time in my life, I hear it's horrible being stressed, I don't want to feel that, maybe I can convince the person to stop posting pics if I give them homemade white milk and bacon! 🥛 🥓
Yeah, that'll totally work, I just need to find the person, maybe Ein will know!

~*Time Skip to after school*~

Outside of the front of the school I saw Ein at the fountain on his phone, I approached him, and he looked over at me and immediately dashed for behind the school, of course I had no choice but to chase him, I ran around the side and turned the corner to the back of the school, and Ein grabbed my school coat, and pulled me in close to his face, and whispered,

"What are we going to f-freaking do!"

I'm sorry to have to end it there, and it might have seemed like something else was going to happen once Blaze turned the corner, but no! 😉 Sorry to trick some of you, but I hope you like this chapter it was again kinda short, but I wanted to end it off with a"juicy"part!😁 I hope you guys enjoy the story I will hopefully have the next chapter out my the end of the weekend, but I still have the same project due, and I'm doing Inktober, I might show you guys my drawings at the middle and end of Inktober, but again I hope you loved the story and I will post soon!! ❤️💙

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