Chapter 9 - This is it......

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Blaze's POV

"Blaze....." Ein whispered. "What?" I asked. "I... I'm sorry," he hesitated, "I'm leaving." I lifted me head off of his and made direct eye contact. "Wha...What are talking about?" I asked, I don't know why, but I knew something horrible was about to happen. "The word about the social media thing, it spread, to my house." I can't go back." He whispered once again. "But tonight's Thursday I was supposed to meet your parents," I stated, tryin to convince him. "You can still go, but I won't be there." He said looking down at his feet. "Ein........................."

Ein's POV

He..............he's so shocked, it makes it so much harder, to leave, but at least he won't have to go through any of this anymore. It was all my fault. Blaze stares into my soul, "What do you mean, your..........your leaving?" I really don't want to answer, but I've gotta tell him, I can't just leave him with no explanation. "I'm leaving, I'm running away, because my father will harm me if I return home, they know about the pictures, and they WILL recognize me, I'm sorry." I couldn't look at his eyes, I couldn't bear to see his reaction. I could help but scream, "I'M SORRY! OK!" I burst into tears, I couldn't take it, I felt so awful, but still hasn't said a thing. I went to scream again, but as I looked up, I saw it..........the one thing Blaze hadn't wanted me to see. He was crying. I couldn't help but freeze, speechless. He just stood there, maintaining full eye contact, crying. He didn't move a muscle, crying. As his hair blew in the wind, crying. His eyes bulging with sorrow and pain, crying. I couldn't believe what was before my eyes. That was it. That was all I needed to see..............that was it.

I turned away, I could hear him take on step forward as his foot brushed the grass. I couldn't look back, I had now turned away from everything I'd ever wanted.

I ran.

Blaze's POV

It felt wrong to stop him, it felt almost like I couldn't move, like some inter dimensional force was holding me in place, not holding me back, but not allowing me to go forth. I stare into the sunset, knowing that this was it, the last of the beauty in the sun. As the one person I felt I finally had, leaves.

Screams. The flew threw me like a bullet, like "the screams heard 'round the world", it was petrifying to hear them, but they were coming from me. It felt like a piece of my soul had been torn from inside of me. Aphmau and Katelyn came bolting from around the side of the building. As the approached, they came to sudden stop when they saw me. I collapsed.

I woke up only seconds later. "Blaze!" I heard Aphmau, "are you ok?!" I could hear the urgency in her voice. "I'm fine, or, at least I'll be alright." I stated, Aphmau stared at me. "Are you ok?" She asked in an unsettling tone. "I...... I don't know......." I felt like I was in a void, but still in my reality at the same time. Lost. That's what it felt like. But I knew exactly where I was. "I heard you scream." Aphmau looked me in the eyes, "I'm sorry......." I paused, "Ein." I stared. Aphmau looked at Katelyn them back to me, "Where is he?" Aphmau questioned. "I have no idea." I said, "he left." Aphmau looked surprised, "Why? Where did he go?" She was concerned. "I still don't know the answer right now, as much as I wish I did." I looked down, I had raised my voice a little, "I'm sorry, for getting upset." Aphmau reassures me, "it's gonna be alright, how long ago did he leave." I searched through my memory like a blazing arrow, looking for my target, maybe six minutes ago, how long was I out?" "Maybe five minutes?" Aphmau guessed. "He couldn't have gotten far," she stated. "I wouldn't underestimate him." I looked into her eyes, I was suddenly full of determination, I was GOING to find him, and there's no one, no one, who's going to hold me back.

Hey guys!! PLOT TWIST!! I was about to get writer's block, when this idea popped into my head and was like, "oh heck to the no, your not setting yourself back!!!!" I'm so excited, I've finally figured out how the book is going to end,'s going to be torcher all the way there. Sorry. But it makes it more fun!! It also gives me more time. If you've got any ideas, feel free to spot them out into the comments. I will obviously credit for the idea. This is going to be the nicest cliff hanger from this point off, so enjoy it while it lasts!! 😈😈😈 Anyways, stay strong, I know things can get tough at times, but all you can do is keep treading on!! I believe in you, and I'm always open to messages if you ever need to talk, I try to be a really empathetic person. I love you all!! Enjoy the story!! 💙❤️

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