Chapter 8 - Why me, why me

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Ein's POV

I walked to school the next morning, very excited to ask Blaze if he could come over on Thursday evening, I saw Blaze waiting in the cafeteria at the table we normally sit at, I approached him and he smiled, " Well after everything that's happening, you look quite happy." Blaze stated, "Yeah," I blushed, "Aw it's ok, you can tell me anything, anything." He said giving me this jokingly smile, "Ha, I was wondering if you were free on Thursday?" I asked. "Oh, are you gonna ask me out on a date or something?" He asked excitedly, "Um actually my dad is having his co-boss come over for dinner and I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me cook?" I stated, "Oh, like cook a meal?" He asked, "Yeah," I responded. "For how many?" He questioned, "Only three," I told him, he looked confused, "Three?" He asked, "Yes three, my dad, my mom, and my dad's co-boss." I replied. "Wait you don't get to eat the food you cook?" Blaze asked shocked, "Um, no, I never do." I guess when cooking for others that aren't in my family, "I just eat salad, when guests are over, my father says it make my image appear heathy." I told him. "Well, I mean I don't have plans, so I'll help you this once!" She said with a big smirk on his face. "Hehe, thanks Blaze!" I said with excitement and blushing plastered across my face.

~*Time Skip to lunch*~

We were all sitting at the table when, the dooming sirens of phones went off again, for the third time, Irene no, it was from last night wasn't it! I flipped my phone over to see exactly what I expected, my heart still filled up with terror as it was now a picture of me and Blaze chest to chest with our arms wrapped around each other, the caption stated the one most petrifying thing, "Aw, so close to a head shot of our favorite lovers! ❤️" I could feel my blood level rising, the room began to swell up with warm air, as it started to swirl together like frosting on a cake, everything in sight in a perfect spiral, as I noticed I had been running across the cafe and then I heard Blaze's voice behind me mixed in with Aph's too. I collapsed to the ground, smashing to my side, I then sat up on my hands and knees, and began to puke. I felt Blaze's soft hand place itself on my back, then the other clutches my chest as he picked lifted me up to my feet, I was bearly able to stand on my own, as everything came back into one image, I grabbed my head as Blaze still held me against him, we walked me to the nurse.

We walked in as the nurse rushed over to me, "My Irene, you look so pale, are you ok darling, come lay down." Blazed walked me over to the table and explained to her what happened. "We were in the Cafeteria when he suddenly got up rushed across the room, then he fell, and started to throw up." The nurse looked my way," did you eat anything weird, was your stomach bothering this morning at all?" She asked, "No, not at all." I was able to reply, "Let me take your temperature." She stated as she walked over to her cabinet, "102," she stated, "not good, I'm sending you home," she said as I screamed, "What?! You can't!" "Why? Your sick and burning up, you can't be here." She said looking at me with an awfully strange look, " will be angry." I said as my ears shifted to the back of my head and folded down.

"Why?" Blaze asked. "Because..." I stuttered, "because what?" Blaze looked at me concerned.
"He always gets mad when I'm not perfect." I stated. "Well, no one is." Blaze tried to argue, "That's why my father tries so hard to make me perfect." I said as I felt guilt start to slowly flood into my eyes and flow down to the floor.

I looked over to the nurse, "May I go home and inform my parents when their home from work?" She looked at me and asked, "How will you get home?" "I'll just walk," I replied. She looked hesitant, "I'm not sure if I can allow you to do that," she said. "I don't mean to be rude, but it's either I walk, or.......I stay." I said, I didn't really want those to be the options, but it is what it is. "Alright, but you MUST tell your parents when they get home." I weakly smiled, "thank you, I will."

~*time skip*~ The next day

Blaze POV
"Hey Blaze!" I heard someone scream behind me, I turned to see Ein running towards me. "Oh, hey you look a lot better." I said as he finished approaching me. "Yeah!" He said winded, "I feel a whole lot better!" He finished smiling. I blushed, his smile is so enlightening.
"So did you tell your parents?" I asked. He rubbed his hand on the back of his head and his faced dropped a little from super happy to, more like, shy happy. "Um," He told me, he'd blushed while he was at it. I noticed but had a small smile, his face was suddenly shocked. "What?" I asked. "Well I thought you were gonna be like, EIN YOU CAN'T NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS!" He said in a mocking voice, I started dying laughing, then he laughed too.

*bell rings*

"See you after first period." Ein said, "yeah see ya!" I started heading towards homeroom.

Ein's POV
I was in homeroom, when the devastating ping echoed throughout the room. Please Irene, no! I peered at my phone as everyone else did. I stare shocked at the screen, I couldn't believe it. The picture was of me! Through a school window, it was blurred, but it was when I was leaving yesterday! They commented, "looks like one of our little friends ditched school! I've now decided to tell you more about them individually, one at a time! Keep posted! 😉"
I opened messages, texted Blaze, "Hey, meet me behind the school, right after first period!" He responded with, "Ok?" I don't know if he's seen the post yet. Then I got another message saying, "Oh, yeah, see you there." Yep he got it. I feel like dying inside at this point, I mean I might as well just scream it out in the middle of the cafeteria! Hey guys! The posts are about me! And then get it all over with, then maybe all the torcher would be over with.

*bell rings* Behind the school

"Hey," Blaze said in a soft voice, coming around the corner. "I just can't," I started to tear up, getting straight into things. "I'm sorry Ein," Blaze said looking down, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen." "It's not your fault." I raised my voice, "it just feels like I'm slowly being crushed between two walls, I just want it to be over with." Blaze cane over to me, and clutches me in his arms. "I'm sorry," He was beginning to cry too. "But who, but why?" I asked, Blaze hugged me firmer. I tears began to flood down my face leaving streaks of pain. "Why me?" I asked, "WHY ME!" I screeched, then whispered. "Why us..................................."

WHEW! We made it to the end, that took way longer then it was supposed to. I wasn't busy just really lazy, but as soon as my pen hit the paper (figure of speech) I just couldn't stop, I just need to start writing, that all. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Beware the next one might be a whole lot less action packed I'm just trying to think of ways to keep it interesting without jumping to the end! Anyways I'll HOPEFULLY post the next chapter soon! See you then!!!!!!💙❤️

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