Chapter 16 - The final fight

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Ein's POV

I ran towards the middle of the floating machine, the ground was shaking, I broke a window to get in. I jumped in and started to follow the great amounts of power I was sensing. It was below me, I started to run and search for the stairs. I could hear running behind me, I knew it was Blaze though. This fight would be dangerous, I'll just have to some how get him off my tail.

I took a left around a corner, jumped as high as I could, I grab the ceiling with a magic ability I learned from Micheal. Blaze ran below me, after he turned the next corner, I dropped down. I ran towards the right. I knew I was getting closer to the fight, because the amounts of magic were getting stronger. Micheal had transformed into his demon form, that's the source of the strongest magic. Everyone there is in danger. Grave danger.

I could sense everyone at the battle.



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The bigger the sense the stronger the magic that they are emitting, that's why the Demon Warlock is so large. Even if they combined all their magic powers, they won't even be able to match him. They don't have a shot. I know more about Micheal then any of them, I know that there is one way to beat him.

I could hear powerful blasts, I knew that Micheal was trying to finish this fight quickly. I thought of what magic techniques that I learned, and could use against the Demon Warlock. Laser beam, but it's to narrow, and if I miss that it, only one shot. Strength enhancer, I could hit him really hard, but if he see's me coming that's it, only one shot. I could use something to weaken him, or lower his ability. But it could wear off before I have enough time to cast a powerful spell. I could use a powerful sniping spell, but he might be able to sense that large amount of magic before I shoot. It's all too risky...except, a reflection spell. His last shot. I could reflect it back. But if I miss or mess it up, then everyone would die. It's extremely risky, but none of the other will inflict enough damage to make him in able to fight. I have to use a reflection spell, no matter the consequences. I owe it to them.

(Author note - aphmau and the others don't use the orb thing, sorry I forgot what it's called.)

I finally made it to the room, half of the group was on the ground. Aaron stood front and center in front of everyone still standing. The Demon Warlock sent another blast their way, it's so hard to just watch this, but the Demon Warlock can't know I'm here. I was kneeling off to the side of the battle. After the blast everyone was down, but still trying to get back up. Lucinda tried casting a spell, but it was no use. Her magic levels had dropped tremendously. She passed out. This was it, no one was standing, the Demon Warlock would send his final attack.

He started to gather the magic in his hands, he pulled back to shoot, I started to run over in front of everyone. It got to bright to see, I stood in the way. He launched the blast. A spell circle appeared in front of me as I casted the reflection spell.

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