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Jungkook's pov
I went back inside the school because i needed to get my homework that i had left by accident in class. When i found it i heard someone close the door and i immediately turn around scared. I see a boy i ahve never seen. He walks right in front of me " uhmm do i know you?"
He starts to kiss me rough i try to push him away but he keeps coming back.
"Jungkook?" I feel the boy loosing his grip and i push him and see jimin crying in front of the door. He runs away and i try to follow him but the boy pulls me back. I shove him and run behind jimin. I can't let jimin think that about me. I only like him and him only. I wish things didnt turn out this way. I spot jimin's car and run towards it but he starts driving away. I feel on my knees and startes crying with the image of jimin crying because of my.
I called taehyung my bestfriend." Tae could you come pick me up please?"
"Yeah sure are u okay?" "Yeah ill tell you everything in the car"
I waited for about 10 minutes before teahyung got here. "What happened? And i want you to be completely honest with me right now jeon jungkook" so i told him everything that happened he already knew about my crush on jimin and how long we've been talking/texting. "he'll understand if you talk to him, look ill give tou a ride to his house and yall can talk it out. Because i dont like to see you like this." "Yeah okay here's his address."
Jimin's house was a block away from mine. When i got there i saw that he was the only one home. I knocked kn the door and he opened it with his eyes bloodshot. I felt bad even though it wasn't my fault i felt bad because those tears are present because of me." Hey let me explain what happened please jiminie. Please." "What is there to explain i saw what i needed to see and thats it." " what exactly did you see did you see everything from the start ? Did you see me enjoy it ? Tell me !" "No but it was enough for me to know what was going on ." " you know what we are nothing more than just best friends why would you even care who i kiss ? We arent dating so why would you care huh? " i screamed with so much anger." You're right we are nothing more than just bestfriends. " " jimin i didnt mean it like tha-" " no its fine. Just get out of here and leave me alone please." He closed the door and i heard him sobbing loudly. I walked away to taehyung's car and started sobbing. He soothed me but it didn't work i felt do bad. I had messed up things just when things were going great.
I just hate myself.
Hey guys how was it? Was it good? Comment and let me know what yall thought about this? Thank you guys for reading and giving my book a chance im so excited for these 41 views or reads or whatever they're called but thanks you guys sooo much. Hope yall have a good night/day. And remember to love yourself😘. Follow me:

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