A/N Legend

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Hey🖐🖐.... Just wanted to take the time to tell a bit about why I write as I do...😁😁😁

I love reading books.... but often find .... with those books that turn into movies... the books are always way better than the movie. 👍👍👍

Well... as I write... I SEEE the movie... hear the movie... feel the movie... scene by scene... and I am having sooo much fun....😁😁

I write the way I speak... sort of😋 but yea...

I generally speed talk😜😜😜 when I'm excited or trying to make a point ... or when the person I'm talking to seems to check out 😁😁😁 or just because 🤪

Soooo... I dot, dot, dot... kinda indicating that slight paus-ee, breathe I may or may not take... but need to take🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

(I just made paus-ee up😂)

I use various emojis because... they... are... fun... and expressive... aannnddd... I told you I see the movie playing outttt🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

So... I hope as you read... that you're like totally drawn in... that you see and feel the embarrassments... the anger... the tensions...the fear... the shyness... the frustrations.... the LOVEEE❤❤❤ yessss the looove😍

I absolutely loveee ... this book... and I feel like I have traveled to the very place and time... everyyyy time I read.

Oh... and if you find that I drag letters along for any given word... that is to emphasize its meaning... I write how I speak... and how I feel... 😳😁

I hope you go on a journey every time you read this book...

Every published page may be reread and republished as I complete various chapters... this is how I can travel into the book and continue the stories direction.

4 to 8 points of views is what you may or may not find....muuaaahhh😳😳😳🤩

It will certainly be enjoyable... loveable and laughable (in a good way🤙)

Happy reading

btw... see if you find any Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean words as you read... feel free to leave a comment if you do😎😎😎

Happy hunting 👀👂



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