Venemous Vines

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{A/N- This is the part 2 to poison in bloom}

Trigger warnings:
-mentions of self harm

Ship: Klance

Keith's day dragged along mercilessly. It seemed as if time loved to torture him. His wrists had been aching all day, meaning his soulmate was still thinking about...that, but at least the motivation was gone. Keith was frustrated all day due to the events that morning. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He was able to stop his soulmate this time, but what about the next few times? Keith couldn't keep smashing plates on his legs to distract the self murderous intent of his soulmate. He needed a new plan.

Keith has tried to locate his soulmate before. Even going so far as to stalk a bunch of people on Instagram, trying to figure out if they were the one. None of them were. He'd tried for years, yet today he felt as if he'd found a lead. Last period was gym. God Keith hated gym. He was pretty sure almost everyone did. Even lance, the sporty, popular kid, pleaded with the coach to skip out today. Something about it held a sense of urgency and fear. It was only when lance physically dragged the coach away to speak to him in private that the coach finally gave in, which he wasn't supposed to without a note from the student's parents. Keith couldn't figure out why he made such an exception.

Keith has gotten a note from Shiro because of his knee. To be honest, Keith made it out to seem way worse than it was, going so far as to fall over limping like the gay drama queen he was, just to get Shiro to write him a note so he could skip. It was pretty boring if Keith was being honest. He, surprisingly, had no assessments to do, and their coach had already confiscated his phone, so Keith was sitting there, next to lance, bored out of his mind. So, Keith decided to do one of the things he hated most. Socialising.

Keith inspected lance for a while. He was a nice looking tan, lanky boy. Keith always recognised him as the obnoxiously loud, cocky boy but now...he was completely silent. It was almost impossible to even hear him breathing, as if he'd been trained. Keith observed him closer. Despite the intense heat, he was wearing a baggy jumper. Keith wondered how the hell he could wear a woolen jumper in such merciless heat. A dare maybe?? Either way, it was utterly ridiculous. Also, there seemed to be lavender flowers protruding from his knee. He tried in a helpless attempt to cover it up, but the vines still poked out his gym shorts. Keith looked at his own injured knee. Silently analysing the exact position of his flowers.

After a few minutesg of Keith 'secretly' creepily staring at Lance's legs, and a few concerned glances from lance, Keith finally decided to buck up the courage and ask. "Hey Uhmm...lance, right?" Keith asked, his voice coming out much more scared than he intended. Lance let out a light chuckle as he glanced over at him, it made keith's worried fly away as he too, laughed. Lance was a bit surprised when Keith laughed, as almost no one had ever even seen him smile before. Lance smiled bright as he looked up at him. "Woah, can't believe I made the great, stone face bad boy to laugh. It's quite an achievement if I do day so myself." Lance smirked deviously. Oh woah, two can play it that petty game. "The only thing funny about you, is your face." Keith retorted, slightly messing up the insult in the rush of his reply. Lance placed a mocking hand on his chest as he dramatically dipped his body to the floor. "Oh how I've been hurt! I will never be able to walk again! Your words have scarred me deeply sir, how will I ever forgive you?" Lance dropped his entire body to the floor, bursting out into a fit of giggles.

The two idiots laughed for a solid minute before they brought themselves back to reality. "Alright man, what were you trying to ask earlier?" Lance asked cooly, god Keith sweared his voice just became 47272829 times deeper. Keith pointed and stared at Lance's leg, completely forgetting how to speak altogether. Wow he just realised. If this is Keith's soulmate, and if Keith didn't break that plate this morning, lance would've been dead. 'Take that takashi! My messy room saved a goddamn life!!' Was basically all Keith was thinking in attempt to drag his mind away from the intense situation.

Lance stared at him, blinking repeatedly for a solid minute, before Keith pointed from his leg to Lance's and lance finally got it. Lance gasped as he rolled up his gym shorts, scooting closer to Keith in the process, as they both stared at each other in amazement. "You don't know how to remove the flowers?" Keith asked, utterly amazed and baffled. "Well it's not my fault you don't get injured all the time!" Lance announced, seeming annoyed by Keith!: comment. "I wish I could say that same about you." Keith mumbled under his breath before realising what he said. He covered his mouth quickly, praying that lance didn't hear. But of course the boy had perfect hearing. God why was he so perfect??

Lance chuckled dully, shifting his eyes to Keith's before realisation dawned on him. His attack this morning. "Thank you for this morning...I almost made a huge mistake." Lance mumbled, focusing his gaze elsewhere as he spoke. Keith was speechless, he didn't know how to help, so he did what he does best. Be an awkward gay. He gently grabbed Lance's hand, figuring his wrist was still sore from this morning. "I'm glad you didn't." Keith simple said as he entertained his finger's with Lance's, giving him a tight, yet reassuring squeeze.

{A/N- Boom. Wham.Blamo. What's this? An uodatr that's actually on time? G A S P. IMPOSSIBKE!! But at what cost? The cost is my humanities and English assessment cause they're stupid and don't majestic sense. Y e e t}


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