HE hates peyton!

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After biology I had algebra. I bit my lip. I was good at algebra back home and I went to a advanced school but I didn't know the math system here. Oh we'll I'll figure it out. I went to my locker and placed the textbook that Mr.Johnson gave me for his class in there then I waited for Liam. I needed to apologize for earlier. He walked up to me. "Hey what happened in class you didn't look all that great."Liam asked. "Um first off I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for making my stomach cold" I started and he laughed a little. "It's fine I shouldn't have been holding on to you so tight to begin with." He said. "You couldn't control it and I got mad that wasn't right of me that's all I'm saying." I said. "It's ok really."he said pulling me in for a hug which I returned. After we pulled away he asked, "so what was the other thing?". "Promise not to get mad?"I asked. "Yeah I promise." He said looking concerned. I took a deep breath and pulled out the note, then handed it to him. He took it and read it. "He looked up and got mad. "Where is Peyton?" He asked his eyes glowing. "I said don't get mad!" Pulling him closer and out of the school. Once we were outside I began making him talk. "Liam say the words, 'alpha beta omega alpha beta omega' " I said to him he started to say them . "Again"I said. And he was done. "Let's go to math class." I said and we went back inside.

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