She's ok.

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Liam and I finally made it to his house and I took a deep breath. "Ready?" Liam asked me. I nodded my head and I held onto his hand having a freaking out internally. "Mom, dad we need to talk." Liam said as we walked inside. His parents where in their living room and me and Liam walked inside and sat across from them. "Um so a while ago some stuff happened to me and it effected quite a few people but I, I never told you guys. Um I, i" he began but his mom cut him off.

"Did you get her pregnant? Is that why she's here! Liam I swear." She started but I cut her off.

"He didn't get anyone pregnant, he just hmm, Liam their your family there still going to love you." I said and looked at liam. He nodded knowing he was the one that had to tell them.

"Hmm I'm, im a werewolf." He sighed. His family started laughing, what the fuck.

"He not joking. I'm a were tiger and telekinetic and well he my mate." I said trying to get them to listen. They laughed even more and it was pissing me off. I lifted them into the air and they stopped laughing and looked at us horrified. I set them back on the couch. Then I showed them my eyes. "Listen to your son." I said and they turned their attention to their son.

"Dad when I went to the hospital I ended up on the roof and nearly died because some windigo tried killing me, scott, avi's cousin, saved me but in order to do that he had to bite me and turn me. And um Avi can you explain the mate thing." He said looking at me. I nodded and their attention averted to me.

"The moon goddess, creator of the were people, gave us each mates mores commonly know as anchors, we would do anything to make each other happy, keep each other safe, their our other half. Um Liam is hopefully mine my brother he found his and he's coming to tomorrow and I'm going to ask him if he can see if liam and I are truly mates." I finished and looked at them. They nodded as if they understood.

"Um you said were people? So there are more than one type of were?" Liam's dad asked I nodded.

"Lots actually there's malia she's in Liam's pack she's a were coyote and then there's me I'm a were tiger and obviously the more commonly known werewolf" I answered.

"A tiger, my son is now a wolf and now has to spend his entire life with a tiger." His mom said starting to freak out.

"He doesn't have to he can reject me and pray the moon goddess gives him a second mate which rarely happens." I told her feeling sad she didn't want me here."I should go." I said getting up.

"No my son still has to reject you." She said. My eyes started to brim with tears. I turned to look at liam and saw that he was really mad.

"I'm not going to reject her." Liam said in a surprisingly calm voice.

"I second that, you need to calm they both clearly care for each other and just because she is a tiger doesn't mean that she's bad." Liam's dad said standing for me. I smiled at him.

"She's also telekinetic." Liam said looking at me like I was a god or something. I smiled and looked down.

"I'm sorry you don't like me, but I would never do anything to hurt liam. And I hope that one day I manage to change your mind about me." I said. "I should go, thank you Mr.Dunbar for taking this change with your son so well, Mrs.Dunbar he's still your son, please don't love him any less. Thank you for having me." I said and hugged liam goodbye, shook Mr.Dunbar's hand and smiled at Mrs.Dunbar before excusing myself and leaving to go home. But as soon as I left the living room, I heard liam growl. I mind linking him to come walk me to the door cause I needed to talk to him.

A few seconds later he was at my side and we were both outside. "Hey, she's just scared and if she decides she never wants to see me again then who cares right? Well actually I do. And your dad likes me so we have that and you are very lucky I talk about you all the time to my mom and she says she's dying to meet you. My brother says he think your awesome too. So I have one of your parents won over and you have one of my brothers and the only parent I actually care about. If you think about it things are actually starting to look up." I told him trying to cheer him up. He smiled.

"You care about my mom?" He asks. I nodded and sighed.

"It's not fair my brothers anchor got along with my family hell she's one of my best friends and freaking I'm over here with your mom hating me and neither of your parents knowing what to do. Hmm liam I really want your mom to like me. Cause what if we get married and have kids, my mom will have to take care of my old pack and my brothers kids and Susana is going to have to take care of hers and hunters kids and what am I going to do then when I haved to go to work or something? who's going to take care of them?"I rambled. He laughed. I looked up at him like he was crazy.

"She does like you, but she is just scared." He said.

"Then why did she says I couldn't leave until you reject me?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I don't know but the last time I introduced her to one of my girlfriends she kicked her out of the house and said I would get grounded for a year if I ever saw her again." He chuckled. I smiled as little.

"I gotta go Scott's gonna kill me, Jose and I are got to come pick you up tomorrow okay? And thank you. "I said kissing his nose and getting up to "oh and I think my god sister and his anchor are coming!" I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek as I began walking down his driveway.

"Hey do you want me to walk you home?" He asked as I reached his mailbox.

"No but can you convince your mom I'm not a monster?" I asked. He nodded and I smiled before walking away. As soon as I was far enough I looked both ways making sure no one was around and flew home, hey and angry scott is not a fun scott to deal with. Soon enough I reached the house and landed a few feet into the woods across the street I had a fad landing though and twisted my ankle. I limped across the street and up the driveway straight into the house and saw a worried pack except liam waiting on thee couch as soon as they saw me they hugged me. "Um hi." I said. They pulled back and scott and stiles checked me over I pulled away and limped to the couch and sat down. Everyone was staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Why are you limping?" Maila asked.

"I flew here from Liam's, and I had a bad landing."I answered. They nodded but kept staring their hearts were thumping almost as if it would pop out of their chest. "Spill what's going on?" I asked looking at them. Scott sighed and looked at me and walked over giving me a hug. Then he handed me a note. "Um okay?"I said as I began to unfold it.

'Dear savina,' I cringed at my name I like my nickname a lot more. 'I have strict orders from alpha josh. Either you come home to repair his reputation and marry dylan, or susana gets it.

-beta George. '

I sprinted up the stairs into susana's room and see, some dude trying to chloroform her I used my powers to rip the rag away from her mouth I lifted her into the air and set her downstairs. In two seconds I shut the window where he clearly came through. I turned and roared alarming scott and his pack. I shoved them out of the room with my powers, 'This is my fight,' I sent through my head. I lunged at the masked man and began clawing, punching, biting and started to choke him. But first I pulled off his mask. It's was Dylan, "you dispicable bastard. Espero que te mueras en el infierno, (I hope you die in hell) I hope the pain burns bitch.." I said before opening the window and levitating him out and above the woods for a while then I dropped him. I then turned back into my human form and turned around all of Scott's pack had a stunned expression on their face. Then they surprised me they began clapping. I nearly killed someone and their cheering me on? I shrugged and went to find susana. I found her on the couch and I manually lifted her head up and rested it on my lap. I stared at her. How could I let this happen? I stared at her "I'm sorry Susie." I mumbled. She then began shifting in my lap. I looked at the clock. It was four in the morning. The fight happened at like ten thirty. I smiled and looked down at her she was finally awake.

"Avi there was a man he said that if you didn't marry dylan he would kill me, so I told him he might as well kill me because I would never let you marry that bastard and-" I cut her off.

"I know he left a note in the living room scott and the pack couldn't get to you because the door was locked, so I broke down the door as soon as I read the note, he was trying to chloroform you, I think I killed him, susana, the man, the man was dylan. I'm so sorry, I promised I'd never use my powers to hurt anyone or kill anyone unless I had too. I could have blindfolded him and levitated him far enough he never came back. But I injured that man severely there was a lot of blood, but he tried to hurt you and I lost it." I said breAking down

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