Double date.... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I stared right at Brent I could feel my eyes turn green. Stiles started grabbing by my shoulders as I walked towards Brent stiles pulled my back. I still had some control over myself so stiles managed to pull me back. I looked at him I turned to look at them liam had a huge smile on his face and Scott and stiles where looking at me the way my mom did before she spanked me when I was little. "Garret is an assassin Brent blocked liam from getting killed wether by accident or not." Scott said.

My look softened only a little. They nodded when they saw I was calm. The other team left cause they didn't wanna fight a against Liam lol losers even I could take them on and I don't know a thing about lacrosse. Garret however was laughing at them. This time I lost it. my werewolf senses weren't out but my "savina" senses were. I walked right up to him punched him right across the face and walked right back to the guys. They looked at me in shock.

"What are you guys looking at I used to beat you guys at wrestling when we were younger before we got our powers." I said to them. I looked back at garret and saw he had a bloody nose. He looked at me with fear and anger mixed together. I just chuckled and turned back around.

"the school is gonna call your mom." Liam said getting worried.

Scott,Stiles and I started laughing so hard.

"My aunt Isabell, her mom, personally taught her how to pin someone some down, and break their ribs in less than two minutes.her mom isn't going to get mad at her."scott said catching his breath while stiles and I where on the floor laughing.

"So do I need to worry about what your mom will do when I meet her?" Liam asked.

"Sort of but you should probably worry more about my older brother he's coming in next week he taught me how to full on fight." I said loving the fact that he was nervous it was cute.

"Jose is coming! YES!" Scott and Stiles said excited.

"You better have been that happy when you found out I was coming." I said standing.

"We were even happier." They said.I smiled good. Scott and stiles where still hugging me from when I mentioned Jose was coming.

"You can let her go now." He said directing his voice to stiles.

"Oh why? Is Liam jealous? Hmm? What about if I do this" he said shoved Scott aside hugging me. "Or this?" He said kissing me on the cheek like we used to do. In a friendly way of course.

Liam looked mad.

"Awe." I said pulling away from stiles pinching Liam's cheeks and then giving him a hug. He instantly hugged me and I could basically feel him stick his tongue at stiles.

I laughed and Scott and stiles stared Liam and I.

"Are you guys dating now?" They asked.

"Yeah? I guess.." I answered looking at the ground. Liam hugged me from behind and rested his head on my head I was basically tall enough to reach right under his chin.

"well the rest of the team is gonna go for pizza. You guys coming?" Scott asked.

"No we already have plans." Liam answered. Scott nodded and we walked away.

"WAIT?!" Scott said running up to us. "On the full moon Liam only scratched you right?" Scott said right.

"Yeah but then I punched him off of me and he ran off Susana calmed me down and I don't what happened after that." I said.

"I scratched you?" He said.

"Yeah but I punched you we were wolfed out on a full moon we didn't mean too it's ok." I said. He nodded.

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